About the Oral History Archives

Research materials in the Oral History Archives at Columbia (OHAC) collections are open to the Columbia University community and the public by appointment in the Rare Book & Manuscript Library's reading rooms.
We also have a number of newly digitized interviews in the Columbia University Libraries' Digital Library Collection.
OHAC reference staff will be able to inform you about the availability of specific interviews or collections. For a reference consultation. please contact us via email.
The Oral History Archives’ companion center, Columbia Center for Oral History Research is housed at INCITE, where it administers an ambitious research agenda with the goal to record unique life histories, document the central historical events and memories of our times, provide public programming, and to teach and do research across the disciplines.
OHMA is the first program of its kind: a one-year interdisciplinary Master of Arts degree training students in oral history method and theory. Our graduates work in museums, historical societies, advocacy organizations, media, the arts, education, human rights, and development. OHMA is also excellent preparation for doctoral work in fields like anthropology, history, journalism, and American Studies or professional degrees like law, education, or social work.