Publish with Columbia Libraries

Through our publishing program, the Libraries and our Digital Scholarship team support the creation, discovery, and dissemination of quality open-access research. We seek collaborations with Columbia-affiliated faculty and students who want to ask new questions, play at the borders of currently canonized fields, open new pathways of inquiry, explore innovative methods, and bring new and traditionally underrepresented voices into conversation.

Journal Publishing

Columbia Libraries publishes a range of professional and student-led open access journals in a variety of disciplines. Journal partners are offered technical resources, individual consultation, and workshop opportunities to learn how to operate publishing software and to conduct open, ethical, and efficient publishing workflows.

Explore our full range of titles at

Screenshot of Columbia Libraries' journals site


Columbia University Libraries is excited to explore the possibilities of podcasting as a form of research storytelling and scholarly communications with student and faculty partners. We provide educational and technical services to publish professional and impactful podcasts as an emerging form of digital scholarship.

Browse our podcasting catalog at

Screenshot of the libraries Podcasting website

Additional Publishing Services

A variety of services from initial consultations to limited hosting options are available for faculty who are developing digital humanities and digital scholarship projects. Please complete a Publishing Partnership Request or email speak with us and browse examples of our publications below.