Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1910, was initially located in New York City. Columbia University officers were closely associated with the Endowment, most notably Nicholas Murray Butler, who served as the CEIP president in 1925 – 1945.
In the 1950s, this Columbia connection prompted the CEIP leadership to donate the historical records of the Endowment to the Columbia University Special Collections prior to the relocation of the CEIP headquarters to Washington, D.C. during the 1950s. The exception was made for the grant files, retained by the Endowment.
The first and largest donation took place in 1953, becoming the University’s first archival collection of Carnegie philanthropy. Minor additions were made in 1961-1962. For post-1954 materials please contact the CEIP directly.
Many of the volumes in the records were indexed prior to their being donated to the Rare Book and Manuscript Library. There are four indices: one for each division and one for the Secretary's Office.
Records of New York and Washington Offices, 1910-1954