How to Use the FLI Partnership Lending Library for Low-Income or First-Generation Undergrads
The Columbia FLI Partnership Lending Library is a collection of textbooks and other course materials available to low-income and/or first-generation students from the University’s undergraduate schools.
In the media
Amusements, Movies, and the Great Outdoors: Summertime Fun with H.P. Lovecraft
Postcards from the Libraries' special collections showcase "amusements, movies, and the great outdoors" that writer H.P. Lovecraft visited during the summer of 1925, including the Vale of Cashmere in Prospect Park.
How Researchers Can Help with Recovery Efforts for the Jagger Library at the University of Cape Town
A wildfire recently destroyed the Jagger Reading Room at the University of Cape Town - and priceless artifacts on African history along with it. Here's how researchers can help the library's recovery efforts.