
An A-to-Z of Oral History | G is for (40% Oral History Collection on) Gun Violence in America, 2017-2020
An A-to-Z guide to the Libraries' Oral History Archives: 'G' is for gun violence in America, addressed in the Forty Percent oral history collection which "gives a powerful voice to survivors of gun violence" in the U.S. from 2017 through 2020.

An A-to-Z of Oral History at Columbia: “F” is for “Fair Use”
An A-to-Z guide to the Libraries' Oral History Archives: 'F' is for fair use and copyright, which dictate how journalists, researchers, and others are permitted to incorporate archival materials like oral histories into their academic work.

Oral History | New Collection Launches with Hundreds of Interviews with African American Elders
"Established by award-winning author Jacqueline Woodson, the Baldwin-Emerson Elders Project captures and celebrates [through oral history] the untold stories of activists, storytellers, and community builders who have witnessed and shaped monumental change in American public life."

An A-to-Z of Oral History at Columbia: “E” is for Ethics
An A-to-Z guide to the Libraries' Oral History Archives: 'E' is for ethics in the Oral History Archives, including discussions of archivists' ethical obligations to people, to narrators who share their stories with the Libraries, and to oral history interviews themselves.

Columbia Spectator | Obama Presidency Oral History Project...
Columbia Spectator reports on the progress of the Obama Presidency Oral History Project, which aims to "document the presidency of Barack Obama, CC ’83, from the perspective of...'extraordinary people' affected by the presidency."