Bibliographies & Resource Guides in African Studies
- Africa Access Review (Brenda Randolph, Silver Spring, Maryland)"Africa Access was founded in 1989 to help schools, public libraries, and parents improve the quality of their children's collections on Africa. Our online database, Africa Access Review, contains over 1000 annotations and reviews of books for children. These critiques and descriptions are written by university professors, librarians, and teachers most of whom have lived in Africa and have graduate degrees in African Studies. In recent years, we have expanded beyond our original mission to include Research and Reading projects."
- Africa: Africa World Press Guide to Educational Resources from and about Africa. (Online) Compiled and edited by WorldViews. -- Trenton, NJ: Africa World Press, Inc., 1997.This web site is the electronic version of a 200+ page illustrated book. The electronic edition contains the full text of the chapters, without illustrations, and very helpful, albeit incomplete, bibliographic citations. A full bibliography of the works cited in the text is only available in the print edition.
- Africa Guides
(Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California)
- African Civilizations: Internet Resources & Print Reference Sources (2010). Compiled by Dr. Yuusuf S. Caruso, African Studies Librarian, Columbia University.An online guide produced in support of a core-curriculum, undergraduate course at Columbia College entitled "Contemporary Civilization: African Civilizations".
- "African Constitutions." (October 2016) Web dossier. (African Studies Centre, Library and Documentation Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
- African Diaspora and African Literatures at Columbia University Libraries (New York)
- African Journals On-Line -- AJOL: Tables of Contents, Abstracts, Document Delivery, & Subscription Information. (International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications, Oxford, UK)AJOL offers tables-of-contents and abstracts for over 210 African-published journals, and a photocopy order service for articles listed.
- African Media Program (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)"The African Media Program (AMP) offers an online, comprehensive database of films, videos, and other audio-visual materials concerning Africa as well as education services about African media." The website features a searchable catalog, with film reviews and some tips on where to find items.
- AFRINUL: African Newspapers Union List. A project of the Cooperative Africana Microform Project. (The Center for Research Libraries, Chicago, Illinois)
- Currently, a searchable database of holdings in North America. "Initially, this database ... will consolidate holdings information for collections in North America, but will later expand to include holdings in Africa, Europe, and elsewhere."
- See also: Newspapers of Africa on Microfilm at Columbia University Libraries below.
- African Periodical Literature Bibliographic Database (AfricaBib.Org, Davis Bullwinkle, University of Arkansas, Little Rock)A searchable database, organized by region, country, subject, and journal title. "This work was originally begun in September of 1974 as an effort to index all the issues of each periodical/journal title and place them all in one source. This English language database indexes over 26,000 articles from over 200 English language and multi-lingual journals and periodicals that specialize in African Studies or consistently cover the African continent. The titles were originally chosen from the library at California State University-Chico and that number were later expanded by using materials from Northwestern University and other major university libraries as well as the Library of Congress."
- African Studies Association of the United Kingdom: Africanist Theses Recently Accepted at UK Universities (2005-2014)
- The African studies companion: a guide to information sources -- 2006 (Hans Zell Publishing Consultants, Scotland, UK)The publisher's website for the 3rd edition of this invaluable print reference for African studies, with free access to the contents and introduction, and online registration for owners of the print edition.
- African Studies Centre, Leiden University -- Resources (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- African studies abstracts. (Online) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: Afrika Studiecentrum, Leiden University, 2003-
- ASC Library Web Dossiers, 2001-- (Library, Documentation & Information Department)A frequently-updated, archive of library guides for selected topics in African studies, including HIV/AIDs (2003), African Cinema, Islam in Nigeria, Africa's 100 Best Books of the 20th Century, Leopold Sedar Senghor, and Sudan & the Nuba.
- African Theses and Dissertations -- on the Internet (Karen Fung, Africa South of the Sahara--Selected Internet Resources, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford, California)
- Africana Librarianship, Book Dealers, & Publishers (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- Africana Collection: Manuscripts & Archives at the University of Florida (Dan Reboussin, Gainesville, Florida)This site offers bibliographies and general information about some of the unique archival collections at the George Smathers Libraries, University of Florida: including those on Chad, Northern Nigeria, Dem. Rep. of Congo (ex-Zaire), Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
- Agence intergouvernementale de la Francophonie: CIFDI--Carrefour international francophone de documentation et d'information: Recherches d'informations (Bordeaux, France)On peut chercher beaucoup de références dans les bases de données du Cifdi. Les bases de données sur l'education et l'enseignement du français et l'information produit par l'AIF. Mais aussi, ce site contient:
-- BIDA Base: Bibliographie internationale de Droit africain.
-- Voir aussi, le page d'accueil du Cifdi. - Basic Guide to Research on Africa at Columbia University Libraries (New York)
- Bioline Publications Abstracts, Full Text, and Document Service (Centro Referência Informação Ambiental, Brazil ; Electronic Publishing Trust for Development, UK)Twelve African studies journals in the medical, food, and biological sciences from Kenya, Zimbabwe, Uganda, and South Africa. View the abstracts without charge; view online full texts from selected journals; and receive full texts for others with paid registration.
- Books in African languages: recent acquisitions 1999-2000, Melville J. Herskovits Library of African Studies, Northwestern University. With addenda to the previously published catalog. Volumes 1-2. Compiled by D.W. Bade. PAS working papers ; no. 8, vol. 3. (2004) -- Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Program of African Studies, 2004. (1045 pp. in PDF format; Online link in catalog record)
- "China in Africa" Web Dossier (April 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- CLIO en Afrique: bulletin d'anthropologie et d'histoire africaine en langue française. (Online) -- Paris : Le Groupe de Recherches, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, 1997-
- Dans ces dossiers de la revue CLIO en Afrique, on peut lire des études bibliographiques suivantes:
- << Sources orales de l'histoire de l'Afrique >>
- << Interprétations du génocide de 1994 ... du Rwanda >>
- << Histoire de la Namibie du Sud >>
- << Sources d'histoire sociale et religieuse de l'ouest saharien (Mauritanie) >>
- CODESRIA--Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, Centre de documentation et d'information: Catalogue of Theses and Dissertations Sponsored by CODESRIA, 1988-2015 (Dakar, Sénégal)
- Cornell University, John Henrik Clarke Africana Library -- Selected Guides by Eric Kofi Acree, Africana Librarian...[et al.] (Ithaca, New York)
- Electronic Journals and Newspapers on Africa (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries.)
- Enfant en situation de conflit armé et de violence urbaine: bibliographie annotée et signalétique. Par Tshikala K. Biaya. Monograph series. -- Dakar, Sénégal: Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA), c2002. (en format PDF)
- "Football in Africa" Web Dossier (2014). African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University
(Leiden, The Netherlands)
A bibliography of print sources and web links.
- "Foreign periodicals on Africa," by John Bruce Howell, International Studies Bibliographer, University of Iowa Libraries. In Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online) no. 2., 1997. (University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City)
- France. Guide de bibliothèques à Paris et en régions dont les fonds présentent un intérêt pour la recherche sur l'Afrique (mai 2009) Ressources documentaires ; 2. -- Paris: Centre d'études africaines, L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, 2009. 29 pages en format PDF
- GIGA--German Institute of Global and Area Studies: Online-Bibliographies dok-line: Africa (Hamburg, Germany)Open access full-text bibliographies in English and German on various subjects relating to Africa.
- Guide to Videos in African Studies at Columbia University
- "Guides, Collections & Ancillary Materials to African Archival Resources in the United States," by John Bruce Howell, International Studies Bibliographer, University of Iowa Libraries; and Yvette Scheven, Bibliographer Emerita for African Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. In Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online) no. 1, 1997. (The University of Iowa Libraries, Iowa City)
- Hans Zell Publishing (Scotland, UK)"Our publishing activities have now ceased...these new Web pages provide some background about our past activities, details of backlist titles still in print, reviews of recent titles, as well as some other documents. Also included are links to articles and papers by Hans Zell on topics relating to publishing and book development in Africa, as well as an extensive links section to organizations, groups and associations that are active and/or supportive of African publishing and the ‘book chain’."
- ilissAfrica--Internet Library Sub-Saharan Africa (Universitätsbibliothek, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt am Main, Germany)A web portal of resources in English, French, and German. "ilissAfrica is a project of the Africa Department of the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg in Frankfurt on the Main in cooperation with the GIGA Information Centre: Africa Library in Hamburg." GIGA is the German Institute of Global and Global Studies.
- Institute for International Studies, Department for Development Research -- CDR Library Papers. Formerly Centre for Development Research. (Copenhagen, Denmark)This archive offers a selection of downloadable (PDF) bibliographies from the centre staff....mostly on African development studies: Tanzania, Francophone Africa, and the "Third World".
- LITAF: Littératures africaine francophone -- Une base de données bibliographique (Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France)Une réference générale qui existe en version WEB et en version cédérom. "LITAF est un projet du Groupe de recherche "Littératures d'Afrique noire" dirigé par Alain Ricard, directeur de recherches au Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. Le Groupe est affilié au Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire de Bordeaux."
- The New York Public Library, Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture: Research Guides (New York)
- Newspapers of Africa on Microfilm at Columbia University Libraries (New York)
- The quiet struggle: information and libraries for the people of Africa. 2nd ed. By Paul Sturges and Richard Neill. (1998) -- S.l. : The authors, 1998, c2004. 249 pages in PDF format ; via Omnie Interactive.
- United Nations Library, Geneva--Research Guides: People of African Descent (Switzerland)
--See also: UN "International Decade for People of African Descent, 2015-2024" (UN Dept of Public Information, New York) - Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Département d'Histoire, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Dakar, Sénégal)-- Thèses et Mémoires de la Faculté des Lettres depuis 1962 en format PDF
- Université Paris I Panthéon Sorbonne -- Mutations africaines dans la longue durée: Ressources
- Cette partie du site comprend un recueil de bibliographies et les résumés des thèses qui ont été achevé récemment à Paris I.
- Voir aussi: les tables de matières de la revue Cahiers du CRA (Centre de recherches africaines)
- University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign: Bibliographic Resource Guides (Al Kagan)
Central Africa
- The Art of Kuba Weaving: Suggested Reading (Compiled by Yuusuf Caruso, Columbia University)A short bibliography on the Kuba of central Africa and their cloth traditions ; compiled for an exhibition held at Columbia University.
- Bibliografia sobre Guinea Ecuatorial -- Madrid : Platforma por la Democratización de Guinea Ecuatorial; via CC.OO., [1997]
- Bibliographie de l'archéologie de l'Afrique centrale (2006) (Dr. Bernard Clist, Grasse, France)
- Voir aussi: le site principal, Anthropology Back Door to the Web: L'Afrique centrale
- Bibliographies on Cameroon -- Compiled by Prof. Mark D. DeLancey. Small Small Catch Monkey. (DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois)
- Bibliography on the Ethnography of the Northern Mandaras (S. Cattini-Muller and G. Muller-Kosack, Mandaras Publishing, London, UK)This bibliography is part of a larger website on the northern Mandara mountains of northern Cameroon and northeast Nigeria.
- Génocide au Rwanda: Bibliographie (2009) (Commission d'Enquête Citoyenne pour la vérité sur l'implication française dans le génocide, France)
- Luba-Kasai: a working bibliography. By Valentine Kanyinda Muyumba, Indiana State University. Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online); vol. 9 (2004) -- Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Libraries, 2004.
- Selected Readings on Darfur, Sudan (+ Children & War) (Compiled by Yuusuf Caruso, Columbia University Libraries)A short bibliography of resources (print and online) to accompany a children's art exhibition, "Smallest Witnesses" ...The Crisis in Darfur Through Children's Eyes, co-sponsored by Human Rights Watch.
Eastern Africa & the Indian Ocean Islands
- Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Swahili Forum. (Online). -- Mainz, Germany: Universität Johannes Gutenburg.
- The current issue in full text and tables of contents for previous issues.
- "A bibliography of Swahili literature, linguistics, culture and history." Swahili forum ; 10 (2003). Edited by Rose Marie Beck, Lutz Diegner, Thomas Geider, Uta Reuster-Jahn. (101 pages in PDF format)
- "A Bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia," by John Abbink -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre, Leiden University, 2003. 102 pp. PDF format
- Bibliographies on the Comoros (1999) (Martin & Harriet Ottenheimer et al., Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas)
- "A bibliography of Karamoja, Uganda: books and articles published in English," by Michael D. Quam (1999). Electronic journal of Africana bibliography ; no. 5. -- New York: Columbia University Libraries, 1999.
- Bibliography on Humanitarian Intervention in Somalia (1995) (Walter S. Clarke)An annotated, extensive bibliography.
- Brooklyn College Library: The Robert L. Hess Collections on Ethiopia and the Horn of Africa -and- the Continent of Africa (Brooklyn College, The City University of New York)Very brief description and contact information. Search the CUNY--Brooklyn College online catalog.
- Buganda: a select bibliography, with bibliographical essay. (January 1996) (Mikael Karlström ; via Buganda Home Page, Wayne State University, Ohio)
- Bibliography of the South Asian diaspora and East Africa: an annotated bibliography (2002) Anthroglobe. (Dr. Andrew Mickleburgh, International Culture Studies Department, Gyosie International College, Reading, UK; via Coomsweb, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia)
- Darfur Crisis Bibliography -- "Smallest Witnesses...The Crisis in Darfur through Children's Eyes" (2006). (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries, New York)
- Île en île -- Océan Indien (Thomas C. Spear, Associate Professor of French, Lehman College, The City University of New York; via Université de Montréal)Un site web général; avec des liens aux autres sites francophones dans la série "Ile en île". Voir aussi une petite bibliographie sur les littératures de l'Océan Indien (1995).
- Kenya Indexing Project (Nairobi, Kenya)***Warning: This resource is off line as of January 1, 2020. This free database provides only an index to topics covered in newspapers published in the period 1994 to 2001. There are no links to online archives, but there is a document delivery option. " is an online index of articles published in Nairobi newspapers. The focus of the articles indexed includes culture, law/governance, reproductive health, and other topics about which information is difficult to obtain."
- Inventaire des Bibliothèques et des Catalogues de Manuscrits Ethiopiens (janvier 2008). Par Anaïs Wion, Marie-Laure Derat et Claire Bosc-Tiessé. (Ménestrel--medievistes sur l'internet, sources, travaux, references en ligne, Paris)en format PDF
- Kenya Coast Bibliography (2019), compiled by Jan Hoorweg -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre, Leiden University, 2019. --via
"The first version of this bibliography was published as a chapter in the Kenya Coast Handbook and covered the period up to 1996 (Hoorweg & Hekken 2000). The present digital version has been updated until the year 2019 and contains over 2300 titles." - East African Literatures -- Web Dossier (November 2024). (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)"This dossier showcases literary works in English and Swahili that have been published in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the last ten years. All titles are available at the African Studies Centre Leiden library."
- Madagascar -- Bibliographies and Resource Guides
- Links to Malagasy Music (August Schmidhofer and Claude Razanajao, Archives Virtuelles de la Musique Malgache, University of Vienna, Austria)Part of a larger collection: Références sur la Musique de Madagascar / References on Malagasy Music (2007): an extensive bibliography compiled by the same authors.
- Links to Malagasy Music (August Schmidhofer and Claude Razanajao, Archives Virtuelles de la Musique Malgache, University of Vienna, Austria)
- Quarterly index to African periodical literature. (Online) -- Nairobi, Kenya : The Library of Congress, 1991- -- ISSN 1018-1555A searchable online index to materials acquired by The Library of Congress since 1991 mostly in eastern and southern Africa, plus since 2002: Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana and Senegal.
- "Southern Sudan at a Crossroads" Web Dossier (2011): a bibliography of print & web resources. Compiled by the Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre, Leiden University. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Swahili acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries, 1979-2018. (Dr. Yuusuf S. Caruso, Columbia University)
- Swahili Studies Bibliography. Compiled by Kelly M. Askew "Works on the Swahili Coast" (Tanzania Studies Association, via Google sites, USA)
- Tanzania On-line Information Center (United Nations Development Programme, United Nations Organization, Government of Tanzania, and the Economic & Social Research Foundation, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania)An extensive, searchable archive of documents and reports (1990--) from UN agencies, the World Bank, and the Government of Tanzania on development issues for Tanzania. Abstracts or summaries are viewed in HTML; full texts available in PDF.
- Tanzania studies bibliography, compiled by Shobana Shankar (Tanzania Studies Association, via Google sites, USA)
Northern Africa
- Algeria: a bibliography of events since 1991 (Ali Houissa, Cornell University Library, Ithaca, New York)Originally published in 1997; frequently updated.
- Deir el-Medina Database. Compiled by K. Donker van Heel...[et al.] (Department of Near Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)This searchable database is a text-only catalog of archaeological remains and related publications. "Deir el-Medina is the modern name of an ancient Egyptian village situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor, the site of ancient Thebes. ...The Deir el-Medina Database is meant to be an intermediate presentation of the ongoing research project A Survey of the New Kingdom Non-literary Texts from Deir el-Medina of Leiden University."
-- A Systematic Bibliography on Deir el-Medina. Compiled by R.J. Demarée ...[et al.]. -- Leiden, The Netherlands: Leiden University, 2007. - Theban Mapping Project -- Bibliography (American University at Cairo, Egypt)"Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes." Part of a larger site offering an archive of selected articles, with photographs, on research and history of ancient Thebes and the Valley of the Kings; descriptions and illustrations of archaeological sites; a collection of "resources"; plus an online interactive atlas --requires Flash Player 6.
- Western Sahara: Thematic Bibliography = Bibliographie thématique (ARSO: Association de Soutien à Un Référendum Libre et Régulier au Sahara Occidental, via Switzerland)Updated in Jan. 2002. In English or French. 'This is a list of important or original or recent books, publications, scientific articles, reports, photo albums, films, videos, broadcasts, etc. listed by topic.'
Southern Africa
- African Studies Centre, Library, Documentation, and Information Department: "South African Elections 2014" Web Dossier, May 2014 (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Annotated bibliography: Literature on equity in health in southern Africa. (Online). (1998-) Compiled for Equinet - The Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe.Downloadable in PDF Format only. See also, the Equinet Home Page.
- Bibliographies on the History of Botswana (Department of History, University of Botswana, Gaborone)
- Bibliography on "International Conflict Resolution: Southern Africa, South Asia, The Balkans, North Africa & the Middle East." (Compiled by Dr. Yuusuf S. Caruso, African Studies Librarian, Columbia University)
- Children's Literature Research Unit, University of South Africa (Pretoria, South Africa)Select bibliographies of South African and other African children's literature.
- "Hottentot Venus" bibliography and commentaries (Julie Guard et al., H-Net Humanities Online: H-Women Bibliographies, Michigan State University)
- "Khoisan Identity, Politics, and Representation in Post-Apartheid South Africa (1994-2022): A Selective and Annotated Bibliography." (2022) By Rafael Verbuyst. Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. Vol. 17, No. 1. (New York)
- Nelson Mandela, 1918-2013 -- Web Dossier (December 2013) Compiled by the Library, Documentation, and Information Department of The African Studies Centre, University of Leiden. (Leiden, The Netherlands)A bibliography of resources--online and print.
- "Precolonial metalworking in Africa : a bibliography." By Duncan E. Miller and Tim Maggs. Rondebosch, South Africa: University of Cape Town, 1998. (via Mining History Network, Dr. Roger Burt, University of Exeter, UK)
Mostly southern and south-central Africa.
- Quarterly index to African periodical literature. (Online) -- Nairobi, Kenya : The Library of Congress, 1991- -- ISSN 1018-1555A searchable online index to materials acquired by The Library of Congress since 1991 mostly in eastern and southern Africa, plus since 2002: Cameroon, Gabon, Ghana and Senegal.
- Reading Zimbabwe (Dr. Tinashe Mushakavanhu, UK & Zimbabwe)A bibliographic project: " independent not-for-profit digital platform committed to discover and celebrate Zimbabwean literatures and to place them before the largest possible audience...primarily indexed in English, Shona and Ndebele...[As of May 2018] This repository currently hosts references to 1851 books written by 1106 authors published in 114 cities by 421 publishers."
- "South Africa's post-apartheid foreign policy towards Africa" by Roger Pfister (Centre for International Studies, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ETH, Zurich, Switzerland) Electronic journal of Africana bibliograpy. (Online) ; vol. 6 (2000).
- Southern African review of books. (Online) Archive -- Ulm, Germany: Universität Ulm, 1987-2007.
--via The Internet Archive Wayback Machine.The archive of this once popular book review journal. See especially the SAROB anthologies, compiled by Robert Turrell. SAROB was a leading journal dealing with the cultural politics of Southern Africa, containing book reviews in the fields of literature and cultural studies, as well as essays, columns, and diaries. - Zambia's Literature, An Overshadowed Literature : Mapping the Field. (2011) By Ranka Primorac. -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2011. A bibliography in 3 parts; in PDF format
- Zulu Language and Culture Acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries (March 2017) (New York)
Western Africa
- "Abolitionists abroad: American blacks and the making of modern West Africa" -- Overview and General Bibliography (Prof. Lamin Sanneh, Divinity School, Yale University; via The Gilder Lehrman Center for the Study of Slavery, Resistance, and Abolition, Yale Center for International and Global Studies, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut)
- Benin City Bibliography by Charles Gore (1999) (via Direct Connection, UK)
- Bibliographie général sur l'infection à VIH et le sida au Burkina Faso, 1986-1996 (IRD - Institut de recherche pour le développement -- anciennement ORSTOM, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)"Tous les documents peuvent être consultés au Centre de Documentation de l'IRD (Orstom) à Ouagadougou; auprès de l'Association pour l'Association pour la Promotion du Dépistage et du Conseil à Bobo-Dioulasso; ou en France: au Centre Régional d'Information et de Prévention du Sida (CRIPS), d'Ile de France."
- Bibliographie des travaux d'Yves Person (2013) "Yves Person historien: son oeuvre sur l'Afrique et la Bretagne" (Dr. Charles Becker, Marina Lafay et allii, via, Paris, France)
- "Bibliography on the Management of the Environment and Development in the West African Sahel 1985-1999," by Han van Dijk and Elvire Eijkman. (2002) Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online). Vol. 8 (2002) -- Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Libraries, 2002.
- Burkina Faso: sélection bibliographique (L'Etat de Droit, Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire, Université Montesquieu, Bordeaux IV, France)
- Comprehensive Bibliography of Chadic and Hausa Linguistics (2018). Compiled by Paul Newman. Fourth edition. -- Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Libraries. 2018. IUScholar Works.
- Civil society -- West Africa, Cameroon, Chad: Annotated bibliography = Société civile -- Afrique de l'Ouest, Cameroun, Tchad: Bibliographie annotée (février 2006). -- Dakar, Sénégal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et d'information du CODESRIA, 2006. 237 pages en format PDF
- The Dagara and their neighbors (Burkina Faso and Ghana) by Richard Kuba and Carola Lentz (University of Frankfurt am Main, Germany). Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online) ; vol. 7 (2001). -- New York: Columbia University Libraries.
- Elections and governance in Nigeria: a critical examination, annotated bibliography. (2009) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et d'information du CODESRIA, 2009. 29 pages in PDF format.
- E.W. Blyden: a selected bibliography: Compiled by Eluemuno-Chukuemeka R. Blyden, Columbia University, as part of a larger web site on Blyden.
- Financement des élections par les partis politiques et corruption électorale au Bénin et au Burkina Faso: bibliographie annotée (2009) -- Dakar, Sénégal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et de l'information du CODESRIA, 2009. 21 pages en format PDF.
- Fula Language and Culture Acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries (2023) (New York)
- "Ghana Elections 2008" Web Dossier -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- Ghanaian theatre: a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. (2009) By James Gibbs. -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2012. 326 pages in PDF format
- A guide to original sources for precolonial western Africa published in European languages. By J.D. Fage. -- Madison, Wisconsin: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, 1994. (via University of Wisconsin Libraries, Electronic Facsimile -- Africana Digitization Project)
- Hausa Language and Culture Acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries (2023) (New York)
- Islam in Nigeria -- Web Dossier and Bibliography (2002). Library, Documentation and Information Department (Afrikastudiecentrum=African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, The Netherlands)
- "Kano: a bibliography" by Sani Gwarzo (2002) (Dept. of Library Science, Bayero University, Kano; via KanoOnline.Com)A short bibliography on or about the state of Kano in Nigeria, concentrating on unpublished Ph.D. and Masters theses.
- Nigeria's economic crisis: bibliographic sources to 1996. Compiled by Benjamin F. Soares (1997). PAS working papers ; no. 2. -- Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Program of African Studies, 1997.
(51 pages in PDF format) - PUBLISLAM--Bibliographie sélective (Espaces publics religieux--États, sociétés civiles et islam en Afrique de l'ouest, via Centre d'Études des Mondes Africains, Université Paris I, Panthéon-Sorbonne, France)"Porté par une équipe de 25 chercheurs africains, européens et canadiens, issus de 5 disciplines différentes (anthropologie, histoire, sciences politiques, sociologie et philosophie), le projet PUBLISLAM a pour ambition d'analyser les processus d'émergence et d'expansion de la sphère islamique au sein des espaces publics de cinq pays francophones d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Sénégal, Mali, Niger, Burkina Faso et Côte d'Ivoire)."
- Santé et population en Sénégambie des origines à 1960: bibliographie annotée. (1989) (Département d'Histoire, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal)La version électronique (en format PDF) du document original par Charles Becker et René Collignon, edité par l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques à Paris, France.
- Web Dossier on Leopold Sedar Senghor (2001) (African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)" overview of publications by and on Senghor that can be found in the ASC library and includes a selection of links to websites on Senghor. The introduction gives background information on the man and his work."
- "Timbuktu : a bibliography" (2001) by John O. Hunwick. Sudanic Africa: a journal of historical sources. (Online). Vol. 12 (2001). -- Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen, 1990-- (PDF format)
- Université Cheikh Anta Diop, Département d'Histoire, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines (Dakar, Sénégal)-- Thèses et Mémoires de la Faculté des Lettres depuis 1962 en format PDF
- West African Arabic Manuscript Database (Prof. Charles C. Stewart and Bruce Stewart Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois)A catalog of West African Arabic manuscript collections from Kano--Nigeria at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), from Ségou (Mali) at La Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris), in Boutilimit and Nouakchott--Mauritania, Timbuctu--Mali, and Niamey--Niger. The database is searchable in English or in Arabic.
- Wolof Language and Culture Acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries (2023) (New York)
Special Topics
- "Africa's Iron and Copper Currencies: Suggested Reading" (Compiled by Yuusuf Caruso, Columbia University)A short bibliography to accompany an exhibition curated by Philip Gould held at Columbia University during March 2000.
- The Art of Kuba Weaving: Suggested Reading (Compiled by Yuusuf Caruso, Columbia University)A short bibliography to accompany an exhibition recently held at Columbia University.
- Bibliographies on African Art---By Nation and By Subject (2013). Compiled by Prof. Mark D. DeLancey, DePaul University. Small Small Catch Monkey (Chicago, Illinois)
- Bibliography on African Traditional Religion (2006) (Compiled by Chidi Denis Isizoh, Italy)
- "A Bibliography of Christianity in Ethiopia," by John Abbink -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre, Leiden University, 2003. 102 pp. PDF format
- Dictionary of African Christian Biography (Overseas Ministries Study Center, New Haven, Connecticut)The site provides information on the project itself and the online dictionary with entries in English, French, and Kiswahili. "The DACB is a multilingual electronic database containing biographies of African Christian leaders, evangelists, and lay workers. Biographies are of those persons chiefly responsible for laying the foundations and advancing the growth of Christian communities in Africa."
- Islam in Africa (2024) Compiled by Paul Schrijver.Library, Documentation, and Information Department. (Afrikastudiecentrum = African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, The Netherlands) --via
See also: Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Web Dossier(2005). Produced for a Conference on "Islam, Disengagement of the State, and Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa" held at UNESCO in Paris on 12-13 May 2005. - Modern African art: a basic reading list. Compiled by Janet L. Stanley, National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution Libraries, Washington, DC.An online, full length, annotated bibliography. Updated: January 2020.
- "Muslim Scholars in Africa" -- Web Dossier and Bibliography (April 2015) Library, Documentation, and Information Department, Afrikastudiecentrum=African Studies Centre, Leiden University. (The Netherlands)
- "Urban Planning and Urban Architecture in Africa." (February 2017) By Dr. Antoni Folkers.Web dossier (Library, Documentation, and Information Department, Afrikastudiecentrum=African Studies Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Women in Muslim Africa -- Web Dossier (2023). Produced for a workshop at Leiden University on "Global and Local Political Debates over Women's Rights, and Everyday Life in Muslim Africa." September 21-22, 2023. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- "African Women Entrepreneurs" Web Dossier, March 2023. African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Annotated bibliography on urban politics and political economy in African cities. (December 2021) By Lewis Abedi Asante. -- Manchester, UK: University of Manchester, African Cities Research Consortium, 2021. ACRC working paper 2021-03 ; 211 pages in PDF format.
- "Bibliography on the Management of the Environment and Development in the West African Sahel 1985-1999," by Han van Dijk and Elvire Eijkman. (2002) Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online). Vol. 8 (2002) -- Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Libraries, 2002.
- "China in Africa" Web Dossier (April 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- Danish Institute for International Studies, Department for Development Research -- CDR Library Papers. Formerly Centre for Development Research. (Copenhagen, Denmark)This archive offers a selection of downloadable (PDF) bibliographies from the centre staff....mostly on African development studies: Tanzania, Francophone Africa, and the "Third World".
- The Environmental History of Africa -- Library Guide and Course Syllabus--2016 (Gabeyehu Adugna, Africana Librarian ; Beth Restrick, Head of African Studies Library; Prof. James C. McCann, Department of History and African Studies Center, Boston University, Boston, Massacusetts)This website includes the course syllabus, thematic maps and photographs, other images, and related research information.
- << Etat des NTIC en Afrique de l'Ouest francophone: bibliographie annotée. >> (2002) -- [Cotonou, Bénin?]: Iafric, 2002-
- "Land Tenure References for Africa & the Middle East, 1990-1993," by Beverly Phillips, Land Tenure Center Library, University of Wisconsin, Madison. (via University of Pennsylvania)
- MediaAfriq Bibiographie sur les Médias et les Nouvelles Technologies de l'Information et de la Communication (1999) (Multimania, France)
- "Water in Africa" Web Dossier (2012) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2012."....compiled by the library of the African Studies Centre to coincide with the international conference ‘Water Management Issues in Africa’, organized by the Network of African Science Academies (NASAC) in collaboration with the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW) in Port Louis, Mauritius, 29-31 March 2012."
- African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University
- "Children in Africa" Web dossier (September 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- "Children's rights in Africa" Web dossier (January 2021) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2021.
- "COVID-19 in Africa" Web dossier (December 2020) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department,
- Dossier on HIV/AIDS in Africa (ASC Library, Library, Documentation & Information Department, Leiden, The Netherlands)"The dossier contains a selection of titles from the library's online catalogue, as well as selected web links on HIV/AIDS in Africa. It covers monographs, articles and chapters from edited works published in the last five years (1999-2003), which are arranged in three sections: Africa (general), South Africa, and Other African countries."
- "Children in Africa" Web dossier (September 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- Annotated bibliography: Literature on equity in health in southern Africa. (Online). (1998) Compiled for Equinet - The Network for Equity in Health in Southern Africa, Harare, Zimbabwe.Downloadable in PDF Format only. See also, the Equinet Home Page.
- Bibliographie général sur l'infection à VIH et le sida au Burkina Faso, 1986-1996 (IRD - Institut de recherche pour le développement -- anciennement ORSTOM, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)"Tous les documents peuvent être consultés au Centre de Documentation de l'IRD (Orstom) à Ouagadougou; auprès de l'Association pour l'Association pour la Promotion du Dépistage et du Conseil à Bobo-Dioulasso; ou en France: au Centre Régional d'Information et de Prévention du Sida (CRIPS), d'Ile de France."
- CODESRIA--Centre de documentation et d'information (Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique, Dakar, Sénégal)
- Children's agency and development in African societies. Bibliography (2011) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA, 2011. 135 pages in PDF format
- The place for work in African childhoods = La place du travail chez les enfants africains : bibliographie (2010) 68 pages in PDF format
- Children's agency and development in African societies. Bibliography (2011) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA, 2011. 135 pages in PDF format
- "Medical / health periodicals and books on Africa," by John Bruce Howell, International Studies Bibliographer, University of Iowa Libraries. In Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online) no. 3., 1997. -- New York: Columbia University Libraries. 1997.
- Michigan State University, Center for Gender in Global Context: Annotated Bibliography on Gender and HIV/AIDS (2003). Compiled by Marita Eibl and Valerie Foster. (East Lansing, Michigan)
- Santé et population en Sénégambie des origines à 1960: bibliographie annotée. (1989) (Département d'Histoire, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar, Sénégal)La version électronique (en format PDF) du document original par Charles Becker et René Collignon, edité par l'Institut National d'Etudes Démographiques à Paris, France.
- World Health Organization on Africa (Geneva, Switzerland)- WHOLIS -- World Health Organization Library Database"WHOLIS indexes all WHO publications from 1948 onwards and articles from WHO-produced journals and technical documents from 1985 to the present [***including selected online full text documents]."- WHO Library: African Index MedicusA newly revised, web-based international index to publications on health in Africa; with Quick and Advanced Search options.- WHO Regional Office for Africa--Health Sciences Library and Documentation Centre (Brazzaville, Republic of Congo)
AFRO Library
- Bibliographie de l'archéologie de l'Afrique centrale (2006) (Dr. Bernard Clist, Grasse, France)
- Voir aussi: le site principal, Anthropology Back Door to the Web: L'Afrique centrale
- Bibliographie sur la question de l'esclavage (1998). (Association pour la Connaissance l'Etude et la Mémoire de l'Esclavage, Université Paris VIII, France; via The Internet Archive WayBack Machine)
- Bibliographie des travaux d'Yves Person (2013) "Yves Person historien: son oeuvre sur l'Afrique et la Bretagne" (Dr. Charles Becker, Marina Lafay et allii, via, Paris, France)
- Bibliographies on the History of Botswana (Department of History, University of Botswana, Gaborone)
- Bibliography for Research at Columbia on "Maps and Power in Modern African History": with special reference to West, East, and Central Africa. (Compiled by Dr. Yuusuf Caruso, African Studies Librarian, Columbia University)
- The Bibliography of Slavery and World Slaving (2010). (University of Virginia, Charlottesville)"...a searchable database containing verified references (except as noted) to approximately 25,000 scholarly works in all academic disciplines and in all western European languages on slavery and slaving, worldwide and throughout human history, including modern times."
- "The Black Presence in Antiquity: A Selected Bibliography." (2015) Compiled by Leida I. Torres and Andrea Only. (Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University Libraries, Washington, DC)A list of publications available at Howard University.
- "Blacks in the Ancient Greek and Roman World" By Prof. Frank Snowden, Jr. (2000) (Howard University Libraries, Washington, DC)A list of print publications available at Howard University.
- Deir el-Medina Database. Compiled by K. Donker van Heel...[et al.] (Department of Near Eastern Studies, Faculty of Arts, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)This searchable database is a text-only catalog of archaeological remains and related publications. "Deir el-Medina is the modern name of an ancient Egyptian village situated on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor, the site of ancient Thebes. ...The Deir el-Medina Database is meant to be an intermediate presentation of the ongoing research project A Survey of the New Kingdom Non-literary Texts from Deir el-Medina of Leiden University."
-- A Systematic Bibliography on Deir el-Medina. Compiled by R.J. Demarée ...[et al.]. -- Leiden, The Netherlands: Leiden University, 2007. - Galibert, Nivoelisoa. Littérature française sur Madagascar de 1557 à 1990 -- Bibliographie chronologique et analytique (1995) (Centre de Recherches Littéraires et Historiques de l'Océan Indien, Université de la Réunion, France) 391 pages en format PDF ou WORD
- A guide to original sources for precolonial western Africa published in European languages. By J.D. Fage. -- Madison, Wisconsin: African Studies Program, University of Wisconsin, 1994. (via University of Wisconsin Libraries, Electronic Facsimile -- Africana Digitization Project)
- "Hottentot Venus" bibliography and commentaries (Julie Guard et al., H-Net Humanities Online: H-Women Bibliographies, Michigan State University)
- Hunwick, John O., "Timbuktu : a bibliography" (2001) by John O. Hunwick. Sudanic Africa: a journal of historical sources. (Online). Vol. 12 (2001). -- Bergen, Norway: University of Bergen, 1990-- (PDF format)
- Inventaire des Bibliothèques et des Catalogues de Manuscrits Ethiopiens (janvier 2008). Par Anaïs Wion, Marie-Laure Derat et Claire Bosc-Tiessé. (Ménestrel--medievistes sur l'internet, sources, travaux, references en ligne, Paris)en format PDF
- Mickleburgh, Andrew. Bibliography of the South Asian diaspora and East Africa: an annotated bibliography. Anthroglobe. -- Canberra, Australia: Coomsweb, Australian National University, 2002.
- Miller, Duncan E. and Tim Maggs. "Precolonial metalworking in Africa : a bibliography." -- Rondebosch, South Africa : University of Cape Town, 1998. (via Mining History Network, Dr. Roger Burt, University of Exeter, UK)
Mostly southern and south-central Africa.
- Theban Mapping Project -- Bibliography (American University at Cairo, Egypt)"Since its inception in 1978, the Theban Mapping Project has been working to prepare a comprehensive archaeological database of Thebes." Part of a larger site offering an archive of selected articles, with photographs, on research and history of ancient Thebes and the Valley of the Kings; descriptions and illustrations of archaeological sites; a collection of "resources"; plus an online interactive atlas --requires Flash Player 6.
- West African Arabic Manuscript Database (Prof. Charles C. Stewart and Bruce Stewart Hall, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Illinois)A catalog of West African Arabic manuscript collections from Kano--Nigeria at Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois), from Ségou (Mali) at La Bibliothèque nationale de France (Paris), in Boutilimit and Nouakchott--Mauritania, Timbuctu--Mali, and Niamey--Niger. The database is searchable in English or in Arabic.
- Women travelers, explorers and missionaries to Africa, 1763-1999: a comprehensive English language bibliography. (Online) (Compiled by Davis Bullwinkle, AfricaBib.Org, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas)
- << 1250 nouveaux titres de littérature d'Afrique noire -- 1997/2001 >>
Notre librairie. (Online); no. 147, janvier-mars 2002. Format PDF (134 p.) --via Gallica, Bibliotheque nationale de France.
- Guide to African Diaspora and African Literatures at Columbia University Libraries (New York)
- African Language Acquisitions at Columbia University Libraries (2023) (New York)
- Afrikanistische Arbeitspapiere: Swahili Forum. (Online). -- Mainz, Germany: Universität Johannes Gutenburg.
- The current issue in full text and tables of contents for previous issues.
- "A bibliography of Swahili literature, linguistics, culture and history." Swahili forum ; 10 (2003). Edited by Rose Marie Beck, Lutz Diegner, Thomas Geider, Uta Reuster-Jahn. (101 pages in PDF format)
- Bibliographie sur l'alphabétisation en Afrique, Literacy in Africa. Par Ali Hamadache. (janvier 2004) Bibliographie mondiale trilingue sur l'alphabétisation = World trilingual bibliography on literacy(France)
- Index to African Women Cinema Studies Center for the Study and Research on African Women in Cinema. (Beti Ellerson, Department of Art, Howard University, Washington, DC)A teaching and learning guide, with suggested films, links to selected film web sites, and the 1991 Statement by African Women Professionals at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. See also: Center Home Page
- A Bibliography of Lusophone African Women Writers (Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia)A listing of writers and their works; some linked biographical information on individual authors and a link to an essay on Lusophone African women's writing.
- Aimé Césaire -- Working Bibliography (2013--) (Center for Digital Research and Scholarship, Columbia University Libraries, New York) Zotero-based, collaborative project
- Comprehensive Bibliography of Chadic and Hausa Linguistics (2018). Compiled by Paul Newman. Fourth edition. -- Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Libraries. 2018. IUScholar Works.
- East African Literatures -- Web Dossier (November 2024). (Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)"This dossier showcases literary works in English and Swahili that have been published in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda in the last ten years. All titles are available at the African Studies Centre Leiden library."
- "Education for Life." (May 2017) Web dossier (African Studies Centre, Library and Documentation Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)
Based on library acquisitions since 2013 only. - Literature & Culture of Francophone Africa & The Diaspora: a guide to resources on the web (2006) (Center for Digital Initiatives, Brown University Library, Providence, Rhode Island)
In English or in French
- Ghanaian theatre: a bibliography of primary and secondary sources. (2009) By James Gibbs. -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2012. 326 pages in PDF format
- LITAF: Littératures africaine francophone -- Une base de données bibliographique (Université Montesquieu-Bordeaux IV, France)Une réference générale qui existe en version WEB et en version cédérom. "LITAF est un projet du Groupe de recherche "Littératures d'Afrique noire" dirigé par Alain Ricard, directeur de recherches au Centre National de Recherche Scientifique. Le Groupe est affilié au Centre d'Etude d'Afrique Noire de Bordeaux."
- Littératures africaines francophones des années 1980 et 1990. Edité par Lydie Moudileno. Document de travail ; no. 2 (2003) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODESRIA, 2003. (94 p. ; 99 pages en format PDF)
- Literary Map of Africa (2009-2012) (Miriam Conteh-Morgan et al., Ohio State University Libraries, Columbus, Ohio)Note: this project has been suspended since 2012.
"The Literary Map of Africa is a bio-bibliographical database, designed to be a comprehensive research and information tool on African literature." - "Niger-Congo Noun Class Studies: A Bibliographical Survey," compiled by Jouni Filip Maho (2007) Electronic bibliography for African languages and linguistics. (via Stockholm, Sweden)
- The Nollywood Project--Selected Research Publications on Nollywood Available On-line The Nollywood Project (Prof. John C. McCall, Prof. Olusegun Ojewuyi, and others; Global Media Research Center, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois)" investigate the new West African video movie industry centered in Nigeria commonly known as 'Nollywood.'"
- Short Bibliography of Anglophone [African] Women Writers. (Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia)
- Web Dossier on Leopold Sedar Senghor (2001) (African Studies Centre Library, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)" overview of publications by and on Senghor that can be found in the ASC library and includes a selection of links to websites on Senghor. The introduction gives background information on the man and his work."
- Sub-Saharan languages and peoples: a bibliographical survey of pre-1920 works (April 2008). Compiled by Jouni F. Maho. Electronic bibliography for African languages and linguistics. (652 pages in PDF format)
- Swahili Studies Bibliography. Compiled by Kelly M. Askew "Works on the Swahili Coast" (Tanzania Studies Association, via Google sites, USA)
- WEB-BALL: Web Bibliography of African Languages and Linguistics par J.F. Maho et alli. (Villejuif, France)Une base de données avec plus de 24.000 références, créée avec le soutien de LLACAN--Langage, Langues et cultures d'Afrique noire.
- Wole Soyinka: bibliography and critical texts (Peter Blank et al., Website editors, The Presidential Lectures and Symposia in the Humanities and Arts, Stanford University, California)A list of the works of this contemporary Nigerian author and world public intellectual, biographical information, plus links to the larger site on the Wole Soyinka lecture and interviews and to the entire Stanford University series.
- Zambia's Literature, An Overshadowed Literature : Mapping the Field. (2011) By Ranka Primorac. -- Mainz, Germany: Jahn Library for African LIteratures, Department of Anthropology and African Studies, Johannes Gutenberg Universitat, 2011. A bibliography in 3 parts; in PDF format
Politics/Human Rights
- "African Constitutions" Web Dossier (November 2016): a bibliography of print and web resources. Leiden, The Netherlands: Leiden University, African Studies Centre, Library and Documentation Centre, 2016.
- Children and youth in Africa: annotated bibliography (2001-2011) By Mwenda Ntarangwi. -- Dakar, Senegal: Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa, 2014.
- "Children in Africa" Web dossier (September 2008) -- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2008.
- Civil society -- West Africa, Cameroon, Chad: Annotated bibliography = Société civile -- Afrique de l'Ouest, Cameroun, Tchad: Bibliographie annotée (février 2006). -- Dakar, Sénégal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et d'information du CODESRIA, 2006. 237 pages en format PDF
- Darfur Crisis Bibliography -- "Smallest Witnesses...The Crisis in Darfur through Children's Eyes" (2006). (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries, New York)
- Democracy in Africa--recent analyses: a bibliography with annotations, June 1996 (Dana Ott, Africa Bureau Information Center, US Agency for International Development, Washington, DC)An annotated bibliography of journal articles, books, and USAID reports.
- "Democratization in Africa south of the Sahara: bibliography," by Svend Erik Lindberg-Hansen. Excerpted from Third world democratization: a partly annotated bibliography of recent literature. -- Copenhagen: Centre for Development Research, September 1994. (CDR library paper; no. 94.3) [via The Institute of Development Studies, Sussex, UK]
- "Elections in Africa, between hope and reality" Web Dossier (November 2009)
-- Leiden, The Netherlands: African Studies Centre and Leiden University Library, Documentation and Information Department, 2009.
- Elections and governance in Nigeria: a critical examination, annotated bibliography. (2009) -- Dakar, Senegal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et d'information du CODESRIA, 2009. 29 pages in PDF format.
- Enfant en situation de conflit armée et de violence urbaine: bibliographie annotée et signalétique. Par Tshikala K. Biaya. Monograph series. -- Dakar, Sénégal: Conseil pour le développement de la recherche en sciences sociales en Afrique (CODESRIA), c2002. (Format PDF)
- Financement des élections par les partis politiques et corruption électorale au Bénin et au Burkina Faso: bibliographie annotée (2009) -- Dakar, Sénégal: CODICE--Centre de documentation et de l'information du CODESRIA, 2009. 21 pages en format PDF.
- Génocide au Rwanda: Bibliographie (2009) (Commission d'Enquête Citoyenne pour la vérité sur l'implication française dans le génocide, France)
- "Human Rights in the African Context" bibliography (University of Minnesota, Human Rights Library)
- "Southern Sudan at a Crossroads" Web Dossier (2011): a bibliography of print & web resources. Compiled by the Library, Documentation and Information Department of the African Studies Centre, Leiden University. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Women's Studies
- African Women's Bibliographic Database (AfricaBib.Org, Davis Bullwinkle, University of Arkansas, Little Rock)A searchable bibliographic database on African women, organized by region, country, and subjects. "This English language database contains over 27,000 citations from 1986 to current. The database indexes six types of materials: books and government documents; articles appearing in edited books; periodical and journal articles; Masters theses and Ph.D. dissertations as well as a few B.A. theses and honors papers; conference papers; and videocassettes. This database is the outgrowth of a three volume work published in 1989 by Greenwood Press that indexed materials on African Women published during the International Women's Decade, 1975-1985."
- A Bibliography of Lusophone (African) Women Writers (Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia)A listing of writers and their works; some linked biographical information on individual authors and a link to an essay on Lusophone African women's writing.
- Black American feminisms: a multidisciplinary bibliography. By Sherri L. Barnes (2005) (University of California, Santa Barbara Libraries)Updated quarterly:"Citations date back to the nineteenth century to the present, with the majority of references representing the very influential contemporary black feminist thought that emerged in the the 1970s and continues today. The bibliography is primarily arranged by discipline and subject. There are 4 broad discipline based section headings: Arts and Humanities; Social Sciences; Education; Health, Medicine and Science; and 6 sections related to format: (Auto)biographies, Memoirs, and Personal Narratives; Interviews; Speeches; Multidisciplinary Anthologies; Periodicals: Special Issues; and Web Sites."
- "Dorothy Porter Wesley: a selected bibliography." Compiled by Marva E. Belt and Tomasha P. Hall, (Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University, Washington , DC: 1996)
- "Female circumcision and infibulation in Africa," by David M. Westley (1999). Electronic journal of Africana bibliography ; no. 4 -- New York: Columbia University Libraries, 1999.An extensive list of over 560 entries on the subject, with a linked country & ethnic group index.
- "Hottentot Venus" bibliography and commentaries (Julie Guard et al., H-Net Humanities Online: H-Women Bibliographies, Michigan State University)
- Index to African Women Cinema Studies Center for the Study and Research on African Women in Cinema. (Beti Ellerson, Department of Art, Howard University, Washington, DC)A teaching and learning guide, with suggested films, links to selected film web sites, and the 1991 Statement by African Women Professionals at Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. See also: Center Home Page
- Short Bibliography of Anglophone [African] Women Writers. (Jean-Marie Volet, University of Western Australia)
- Women in Muslim Africa -- Web Dossier (2023). Produced for a workshop at Leiden University on "Global and Local Political Debates over Women's Rights, and Everyday Life in Muslim Africa." September 21-22, 2023. (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Women travelers, explorers and missionaries to Africa, 1763-1999: a comprehensive English language bibliography. (2008) (Compiled by Davis Bullwinkle, AfricaBib.Org, University of Arkansas, Little Rock, Arkansas)