News & Information Services on Africa

General News

  • 100Reporters : "Africa's Hidden Victims" (June 2021) (Washington, DC)
  • (Rabat, Morocco)
    "Média digital marocain": un portail d'actualités africaines. Le site traite surtout des actualités du pays du Maghreb, de l'Afrique de l'Ouest et de l'Afrique centrale.
  • A24 Media: Africa's voice (A24 Media Productions, Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; Johannesburg, South Africa)
    "A24 Media--the first Pan-African online agency for Video, Pictures & Text." This site includes: selected current and recent news reports; photographs; related video clips; previews of television programs from Africa; documentary film excerpts; news, film, and TV industry links; etc.
  • Africa 24 (Paris, France)
    Le site d'une chaine TV qui offre ses récentes émissions en vidéo et de ses archives depuis le mois de septembre 2011, sous diverses rubriques. " première chaine mondiale d'information sur l'Afrique, incarne aujourd'hui le média panafricain international par excellence et se positionne comme la passerelle entre les différents peuples d'Afrique."
  • Africa Cartoons: Encyclopedia of African Political Cartooning (Prof. Tejumola Olaniyan, University of Wisconsin--Madison, USA)
    This site features sample work of and biographical information on over 180 cartoonists from around the African continent. "...when finished...As appropriate, there will be links to news, interviews, reviews, journalistic articles and scholarly books and essays on cartooning in Africa generally, and individual cartoonists."
  • Africa Confidential Headlines Archive & Subscription Information (Africa Confidential, Inc., London; via Drakken Ltd.)
    This site offers headlines and abstracts from current and past issues of the fortnightly newsletter, including a searchable country index, and subscription information.
  • AfricaFocus (Washington, DC)
    The website features AfricaFocus bulletin...offering analysis and "progressive advocacy" on African issues; plus news feeds from BBC and AllAfrica.Com.
  • Africa Freedom of Information Centre (Kampala, Uganda)
    "...a pan-African, membership-based civil society network and resource centre promoting the right of access to information, transparency and accountability across Africa. We do this by supporting national advocacy with comparative research, capacity strengthening, and technical support; by monitoring treaty compliance and implementation; and by leading continental and global advocacy."
    --See especially: Freedom of Information Laws--By Country ; Reports and Publications -and- News
  • Africa Intelligence (Indigo Publications)
    Note: Full access is only possible with a paid subscription or account. This site is a news archive drawing on back issues of newsletters, such as "The Indian Ocean Newsletter", "Africa Energy & Mining", and "Maghreb Confidential". In addition, there are country pages under construction and excerpts from Indigo Publications' "100 Men in Power," a biographical reference series. See also the Indigo Publications French home page.
  • Africa No Filter (New York)
    "Through research, grant-making, community building and advocacy, we support storytellers to help shift the stereotypical narratives about Africa one story at a time."
    --See especially: Global Media Index for Africa 2024 -and- Being African: How Africans Experience The Diaspora. (2024)
    --All ANF research publications
  • The Africa Report (Jeune Afrique Media Group, Paris, France; Aston Clinton, UK)
    The current news website of a quarterly magazine offering news analysis in English on Africa; includes selected short articles for the last 10 years.
    Note: A subscription is required to read articles in the full archive.
    --See also: Podcasts (since March 2019)
  • Africa's 100 Best Books (Zimbabwe International Book Fair Association, Harare; via Columbia University)
    • General announcement and contact information. All nominations have been received, a short list drawn up by a jury, and the 100 titles were announced on February 18, 2002. See a copy of the list of the 100.
  • "Africa Today" KPFA Radio Program (Prof. Walter Turner, WKPFA FM,, Berkeley, California)
    Podcasts of past programs and related information. "A weekly news program providing information and analysis about Africa and the African Diaspora."
  • Africanews (Pointe Noire, Republic of Congo)
    A subsidiary from Euronews S.A.: Africanews is the new pan-African news media, unique in its concept and vision. Africanews covers sub-African and international news and business stories 24/7 in French and English languages from an African perspective."

  • African media barometer: an analysis in AMBs for 28 countries over 11 years. 2011-2021. By Philipp Santos. -- Windhoek, Namibia: Freidrich Ebert Stiftung, 2022. 61 pages in PDF format
    --See also: All country reports in AMB series

  • African Media Initiative (Nairobi, Kenya)
    • "AMI is a pan-African programme that seeks to strengthen the continent’s private and independent media sector from an owner and operator perspective in order to promote democratic governance, social development and economic growth."
    • African Media Development Initiative -- overview and country reports (PDF format) Published by BBC World Service Trust.
  • The Africanist Podcast (Prof. Bamba Ndiaye, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia)
    [Since May 2020] "This podcast investigates political, socio-economic, and cultural issues in contemporary Africa and the African Diasporas. It engages Africanist scholars, artists, activists, athletes, opinion leaders, business people, and ordinary citizens in a critical conversation about the challenges facing Africans and people of African descent."
  • African.Org, The. (Online)--Archive -- Pretoria, South Africa: Institute for Security Studies, 2009-2012 Powered by Pressmart*Ceased.
    Archive of a bi-monthly e-zine on African contemporary affairs, with virtual reading features, published between June 2009 and May 2012.
  • African Press Organization: Database of Press Releases Related to Africa (Dakar, Senegal; Lausanne, Switzerland)
    A searchable database of official press releases from governments and international organizations since August 2007.
  • Africultures: le site des cultures africaines (Olivier Barlet, Editions Harmattan, France)
    Chaque mois, ce site offre un agenda et des informations actualisées au jour le jour - y compris les festivals de cinéma, les concerts, les expositions, etc. Aussi, on peut regarder aux tables des matières de la revue et les textes intérales des vieux numéros sélectionnés.
  • Afrik.Com (Afrik.Net, Paris, France)
    Un portail des actualités sur l'Afrique et les Africains dans le monde...surtout les nouvelles culturelles.
  • Afrique education. (Online) -- Paris: Afrique Education, 2015-
    La version électronique du mensuel français de longue date sur l'Afrique. Le site comprend le dernier numéro et les vieux articles depuis le mois d'août 2015.
  • Afrique magazine. (Online) -- Paris: AM International, 2021-
    Le site offre gratuitement des extraits de la "une" et des vieux numéros. On peut aussi regarder des entretiens au format vidéo. Remarquez: Il faut s'abonner pour accèder à l'intégralité des articles. "Afrique Magazine est le mensuel leader de la presse panafricaine. Fondé en décembre 1983, il paraît sans discontinuer depuis près de 37 ans. Le titre ainsi que le site sont édités par la société AM International...indépendante depuis 2006."
  • AfrobeatRadio (, New York)
    The blog site on news from Africa, associated with the WBAI 99.5 FM radio show. "...a community-based news program providing unique perspectives and access points to reflect, present and celebrate the diversity of African life in communities throughout New York Tri-State (New York, New Jersey York and Connecticut) while providing a platform to celebrate and link the African continent and its global Diaspora."
  • Agence de Presse Africaine = African Press Agency (APA) (Dakar, Sénégal)
    Free access to headlines only. The web site of an Africa-wide news agency --in French or in English-- with reporters in almost every African country. This commercial site includes an archive of news (since September 2007) and thematic reports on a wide range of topics; plus links to excerpts of French language television and radio broadcasts.
  • Al Jazeera on Africa Al Jazeera English (Doha, Qatar)
  • All Africa.Com (AllAfrica Global Media, Washington, DC)
  • AMARC: Association mondiale des radiodiffuseurs communautaires  (Montreal, Québec, Canada ; Braamfontein, South Africa ; Dakar, Sénégal)
    • A ce site, on peut lire (en français, en anglais, ou en portugues) les actualités sur le développement et la communication rurale, les rapports des récentes conférences mondiales, quelques manuels de formation, et les autres initiatives dans le domaine des radios communautaires.
      --Pour un coup d'oeil sur les projets en Afrique, veuillez voir: YenKasa Africa
  • ARTICLE 19: Eastern Africa ; Senegal and West Africa ; Middle East & North Africa
    (The International Centre Against Censorship, London, UK)
    • "ARTICLE 19 is an international human rights organization which promotes freedom of expression and fights censorship all over the world. We take our name from Article 19 of the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights."
    • Article 19 Library--"All stories" (Search by country, region, or theme)
  • Billets d'Afrique et d'aiileurs. (Online): bulletin mensuel d'information alternative sur les avatars de la politique africaine de la France -- Paris: Association Survie, 2006-
    Sur ce site, on peut lire en ligne les extraits du dernier numéro du bulletin mensuel et également lire et télécharger les anciens numéros.
  • Black star news. (Online) -- New York: Black Star News, 1997-
    The online version of the weekly newspaper covering news on the United States, Africa, and the world; with an archive of back issue articles since April 2007.
  • Boston Review on "Africa" (Boston, Massachusetts)
    "...a political and literary forum—a public space for robust discussion of ideas and culture. Independent and nonprofit, animated by hope and committed to equality, we believe in the power of collective reasoning and imagination to create a more just world." 
    -- See also: Boston Review on "Race" in America
  • British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (London)
  • Business & Economic Information on Africa (Columbia University)
  • China-Africa Project (Eric Olander and Cobus van Staden, Vietnam and South Africa)
    "...a multimedia resource dedicated to exploring every aspect of China’s growing engagement with Africa. Through a combination of original content and curation of third-party material from across the Internet..."
    --See especially: News Feed ; Analysis ; Podcasts
  • China Global Television Network: Faces of Africa, 2012-2016 ---via (Beijing)
    "Faces of Africa, documentaries on people in Africa, either prominent or ordinary, [past and present], who have great stories to tell about Africa."
  • CNN Interactive on Africa (, Cable News Network, Inc.)
  • Committee to Protect Journalists  (New York)
    • ***Search by Region and Country.  "The Committee to Protect Journalists is a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization founded in 1981 to monitor abuses against the press and promote press freedom around the world. Through its own reporting, CPJ has full-time program coordinators monitoring the press in the Americas, Asia, the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. They track developments through their own independent research, fact-finding missions and firsthand contacts in the field, including reports from other journalists."
    • Attacks on the Press, 1995-2017 (global annual survey, search by country)
  • The Continent. (Online)  With Mail & Guardian. -- Johannesburg, South Africa: M&G, 2020--
    A weekly news briefing magazine, with a country or thematic focus. The archive includes issues since May 2020 to present.
  • The Conversation--Africa (Braamfontein, South Africa)
    " independent source of news and views, sourced from the academic and research community and delivered direct to the public. Our team of professional editors work with university...and research institute experts to unlock their knowledge for use by the wider public."
  • Deutsche Welle on Africa--English version (Bonn, Germany)
  • ELDIS--Electronic Development and Environment Information System: "Africa south of the Sahara" (Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK)
    • An indexing service provided by IDS: links to websites and document collections selected from all over the Internet based on topics in African, Asian, and Latin American studies. Documents are produced by research institutes, international organizations, or news services.
    • See also: North Africa & The Middle East

  • Electronic Journals & Newspapers on Africa (Columbia University)

  • FranceInfo: Afrique  (France Télévisions, Paris)
    Un site d'actualiltés sur les pays du continent africain des divers médias français.
  • Freedom House: Freedom in the World--Democracy in Retreat (2019) (Washington, DC and New York)
  • Grioo.Com--Archives (2016) (Paris, France)
    Ce site était un portail d'informations sur le monde noir depuis 2002. << GRIOO pour le griot africain dépositaire des traditions et de l'histoire en phase avec la modernité ... Les associés du portail d'informations GRIOO sont mus par la volonté de participer à la promotion de la culture noire et africaine grâce leur savoir-faire acquis et exercé dans diverses associations et entreprises >>.
  • The Guardian: News on Africa (London, UK)
    • A news analysis platform from the publishers of The Guardian newspaper.
  • InfoMigrants sur l'Afrique
    "InfoMigrants est un projet multiplateforme collaboratif --en français ou = en anglais-- piloté par trois grands médias européens : France Médias Monde (France 24, RFI, MCD), la chaîne allemande d’information internationale Deutsche Welle, et l’agence de presse italienne ANSA. Il est co-financé avec l’Union Européenne."
  • Institut Panos -- Afrique de l'Ouest (Dakar, Senegal)
    • << Informer et communiquer pour une culture de la démocratie, de la citoyenneté et de la paix. >> Sur ce site, on peut lire les nouvelles à propos des programmes du Institut en Afrique de l'Ouest et ses publications. Il y a aussi beaucoup de liens à autres sites de PANOS et ceux sur les médias.
    • Migrations  
    • Ressources (publications)
  • International Center for Journalists on SubSaharan Africa -and- Middle East & North Africa
    (Washington, DC)
    The site features information about training programs, conferences, and other events; with related links.
  • International Federation of Journalists on Africa : Bureau régional pour l'Afrique (Dakar, Sénégal; Bruxelles, Belgique)
    Le site --en français, en anglais, ou en portugais-- offre les actualités surtout sur la liberté de la presse en Afrique, quelques rapports des réunions du FIJ, et une liste des associations membres en Afrique ; et aussi: Nouvelles
  • IFEX: International Freedom of Expression Exchange: Africa = Echange international de la liberté d'expression: Afrique (Toronto, Canada)
    [Since 1992] IFEX has provided this clearinghouse website of current news on press freedom and related matters; plus links.
  • International Press Institute -- Current News (Vienna, Austria)
    Search by country
  • IPS Inter Press Service on Africa = Afrique, l'autre information (Johannesburg, South Africa)
    "IPS Africa is committed to retain its function as 'an alternative news agency' [emphasis not only on the voices of those in positions of power, but more on providing access for actors in civil society] ...IPS Africa consists of the English network, which is coordinated from Johannesburg, and a Francophone service, which is based in Cotonou, Benin. IPS Africa also translates its stories into Kiswahili, providing a wider outlet for information dissemination in East Africa."
  • Jeune Afrique.Com (Le Groupe Jeune Afrique, Paris, France)
    Sur ce site, on peut consulter les dernières actualités africaines de la semaine. On peut aussi choisir les articles par pays ou par rubrique. Pour accéder aux articles dans les archives électroniques du magazine Jeune afrique, il faut s'abonner.
  • The Library of Congress of the United States: Global Legal Monitor--Jurisdictions (The Law Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
    --Selected legal news and analysis in foreign countries around the world.
  • Media Foundation for West Africa (Legon, Accra, Ghana)
    This site --in English or in French-- features current news and alerts on press freedom issues in the region. "The MFWA seeks to advance the development of free mass media and of a culture of free expression using advocacy strategies, networking and collaboration..."
  • Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) (Windhoek, Namibia)
    "MISA is a non-governmental organisation with members in 11 of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) countries. Officially launched in September 1992, MISA focuses primarily on the need to promote free, independent and pluralistic media..."
    --See especially: Country chapters
  • Media Monitoring Africa (Johannesburg, South Africa)
    A web site princiipally reporting on media environments in southern African countries. "...[Formerly Media Monitoring Project] MMA is a non-profit organisation that promotes democracy and a culture where media and the powerful respect human rights and encourage a just and fair society."
    --See especially: MMA Reports
  • Le Monde -- Édition Afrique -- Paris: Le Monde, 2015-
    Toute l'actualité sur l'Afrique, avec les vieux articles depuis janvier 2015.
  • Le Monde Diplomatique (Online) -- Paris: Le Monde Diplomatique / L'Institut National de l'Audiovisuel, 2002-- (via Columbia University)
    On peut avoir accès au dernier numéro électronique et rechercher dans les archives générales (depuis 2002 seulement).
  • My Africa Is (Nosarieme Garrick, Hassatou Diallo, et al, USA)
    The site features open access full length documentary videos about pioneering Africans in various fields and reports on cultural and economic trends on the African continent. "...a documentary series taking you on a journey across the continent through the eyes of an insider."

  • National Public Radio: Stories about Africa (Washington, DC)

  • The New Humanitarian on Africa Formerly IRIN News (Geneva, Switzerland)
    "...independent journalism at the service of the millions of people affected by humanitarian crises around the world."
  • NewsfromAfrica : News & views on Africa from Africa.
    -- Nairobi, Kenya: Koinonia Media Centre; Rome, Italy: PeaceLink, 1996-
    "NewsfromAfrica [formerly AFRICANEWS] is a feature and news service managed by African journalists. It deals with culture, peace, justice, ecology, religion, gender issues, sustainable development. All topics are seen from the perspective of the common published the 15th of every month and it is also distributed by PeaceLink through a mailing-list."
  • The New York Times (New York, USA)
    • 12 African Artists Leading a Cultural Renaissance Around the World (2024). Edited and produced by Veronica Chambers ...[et al.]. 
      ***This is part of a series on "Old World, Young Africa" (2023-2024). The article features stories on: Ruth E. Carter; Mr. Eazi; Zhong Feifei; Omar Victor Diop; Nnedi Okorafor; Adamma and Adanne Ebo; Mory Sacko; Grace Wales Bonner; Lesley Lokko; Toheeb Jimoh; and, Nkuli Mlangeni-Berg.
    • "A Continent Remade: Reflections on 1960, the Year of Africa," February 20, 2020
      "We selected images — some from The New York Times’s archive and others from various collections around the world — to tell the story of the heady days around the Year of Africa. Each of the 17 countries that gained independence that year is represented here in photographs, but there are also images from countries, like Ghana, with especially rich photographic traditions. We then invited a group of creative people of African descent to give us their personal reactions to these images."
  • Notícias Lusófonas -- As Notícias do Mundo Lusófono: Actualização diária (Lisbon, Portugal)
  • openDemocracy on "Africa": news analysis (London, UK)
    News analysis blog on African affairs from scholars and writers in the US, Europe, and Africa
  • Ouest-TV: la chaine régionale Ouest Africaine = The West African Regional Channel (African Televsion News, Dakar, Sénégal)
    Un portail au 14 programmes de télévision en anglais et en français sur les actualités en Afrique de l'Ouest, au reste de l'Afrique, et au reste du monde.
    --Veuillez voir aussi: Archive officielle de l'Ouest-TV sur
    Remarquez: il semble qu'on fait les mises à jour une fois par mois seulement.
  • Pambazuka news. (Online) -- Oxford, UK ; Cape Town, South Africa : Pambazuka, 2000-
    Formerly Kabissa-Fahamu Newsletter: Current weekly issue and back issues since December 2000. "Pambazuka News is a free weekly electronic newsletter covering news, commentary and analysis, and a range of other resources on African human rights and sustainable development. Pambazuka News is produced by Fahamu. The newsletter includes links to news reports from various online news services and organizations, and a catalogue of back issues."
  • Panapress News in English or in French (Pan African News Agency, Dakar, Senegal)
    A paid subscription is required to access news.
    This website offers current news only based on reporting from government-supported news agencies and services around the continent. The archive only contains the news of the last few days.
  • The Pulitzer Prize 2015 Winner for Journalism--International Reporting (The Pulitzer Board, Columbia University, New York):
    The New York Times Works on Ebola, July-December 2014
  • The Pulitzer Prize for Journalism -- International Reporting 2005: "Rwanda: The Legacy of Hate" by Dele Olojede, Newsday, May 2004 (The Pulitzer Board, Columbia University, New York)
  • Radio France Internationale -- Actualités sur l'Afrique (Paris)
    • Sur ce site, on peut consulter les informations en continu de RFI pour le Monde et l'Afrique: les chroniques quotidiennes et les chroniques hebdomadaires. On a besoin du RealPlayer ou du Windows Media Player pour écouter les émissions en direct et à la demande.
    • Afrique presse
      "Chaque semaine, Assane Diop reçoit des journalistes spécialisés qui analysent, commentent et développent les points forts de l’actualité africaine."
    • Archives d'afrique
      Avec Alain Foka: "L'histoire contemporaine de l'Afrique à travers ses grands hommes. Illustré d'archives sonores et de témoignages des acteurs encore vivants."
    • Le débat africain
      Avec Alain Foka: "Cet espace se veut le lieu des échanges d’idées, des débats sur l’avenir, de rencontres des décideurs et des intellectuels, avec un accent particulier désormais mis sur l’économie et le social."
    • RFI sur le 25ème Sommet "Afrique-France" à Nice, France (mai-juin 2010)
    • Sommet Afrique-France 2005: le 23ème conférence des chefs d'Etat de France et d'Afrique à Bamako, Mali, du 3 au 4 décembre 2005.
  • Radio Nederland Wereldomroep on Africa -- "Waza" (2015) (Hilversum, The Netherlands)
    "[Launched in November 2014] our mission is to facilitate well-informed, multi-perspective conversations around current events or continuing circumstances that may pose a challenge to freedom of expression, human rights, good governance and sexual health in sub-Saharan Africa."
    --See also: French version
  • RAP21--Réseau africain de presse pour le 21ème siècle = African Press Network for the 21st century (World Association of Newspapers, Paris, France)
    Le site offre un bulletin d'information --en français et en anglais-- sur la gestion des médias et les violations de la liberté de la presse sur le continent. "[Lancé en septembre 2000 en liaison avec l'Union des Editeurs de Presse d'Afrique Centrale] un réseau électronique pour la presse africaine, qui sert de plate-forme d'échange d'idées et d'informations, et de forum de discussion entre les directeurs de journaux, les journalistes et les autres professionnels des médias sur le continent africain."
  • Reporters sans frontières sur l'Afrique. (Paris, France) Voir aussi: English
  • Sangonet: Actualités sur l'Afrique (Victor Bisséngué, France)
    Extraits des actualités de l'Agence France Presse et des autres agences -- surtout: Actualité Centrafrique, points de vue, evénements culturels, sites Internet.
  • SciDev Net--Science and Development Network on SubSaharan Africa -and- The Middle East & North Africa (London, UK)
    A "news and views" portal site--in English, French, or Spanish--about science, technology and the developing world.
  • Semafor on Africa (New York and Washington, DC)
    Current and recent world news reporting in English.
  • Slate Afrique (Paris, France)
    Un blog de commentaire politique et social sur les actualités africaines. C'est une publication soeur du magazine américain "Slate" et du site web "".
  • Southern African News Services & Internet Information (Columbia University)
  • SPLA -- Portail de la Diversité Culturelle: Afrique SudPlanète (Paris, France)
    Ce site offre les actualités et les liens sur les divers événements culturels au tour du monde francophone.
  • Surprising Europe: Share Your Migration Experience (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
    • "This website is part of the international cross-media project Surprising Europe, initiated by Ssuuna Golooba, who left Uganda in the hope of a better life. Surprising Europe consists of a documentary and a nine part television series. Surprising is a community of people who are interested in African-European migration issues." The site includes information about immigration information in west European countries.
    • Suprising Europe TV Series: 9 episodes online
  • Touki Montréal : l'actualité africaine à Montréal (Canada)
    "Un magazine électronique depuis avril 2009...notre mission est donc de vous faire voyager à travers le cinéma, la littérature, la musique africaine et bien d’autres choses."
  • TV 5 Monde: Le Journal Afrique: l'actualité panafricaine (Paris, France)
    Les rapports complets sur les actualités quotidiennes d'Afrique en format vidéo sur Internet.
    --Veuillez voir aussi: Afrique: 50 ans d'indépendance (2011): une présentation sur l'histoire moderne des pays africains, avec des reportages vidéos.
  • United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) (Formerly UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs)
    • OCHA Home Page (General)
    • ReliefWeb
      This searchable site provides links to full-length reports on areas of the world affected by humanitarian "emergencies", assorted on-line maps, and "the latest" news from many areas of the world.
  • University world news--Africa edition. (Johannesburg, South Africa; London, UK)
  • The Village Voice. (Online): "AIDS: The Agony of Africa" by Mark Schoofs.  -- New York: Village Voice; The Pulitzer Prize, 2000.
    This web site offers the full text of the series, see also: The Pulitzer Prize Archive.
  • VoxAfrica (London, UK)
    • The multi-media web site of a satellite television channel which offers African and African diaspora news, interviews, in-depth panel discussions, and English or French.
  • Washington Post.Com: African Lives -- Occasional Articles from 1997  (The Washington Post, Washington, DC)
    A series of electronic newspaper articles, with photos, which "chronicle the joys and struggles in the everyday lives of African peoples." There are 8 stories on: Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sénégal, Côte d'Ivoire, and Ghana.


Sports News from Africa