CLIO and Other Columbia University Catalogs
- Choose the catalog you would like to search, or use the search box to search CLIO directly.
- The Law Library holdings are not listed in CLIO; use Pegasus, the Law Library catalog.
- Teachers College holdings are also not listed in CLIO; use Educat, the TC catalog.
- Use Search CLIO, Pegasus, and Educat together to search the three catalogs simultaneously using a common interface, but you will lose some functionality.
- Use Find Articles to search multiple databases with a common interface.
- Use Find Databases to find and search one of our many online databases.
- The Archival Collections database provides access to online finding aids, many of which are not available in CLIO.
- DataGate is Columbia's Numeric Data Catalog.
- The CU Spatial Data Catalog is our catalog for GIS and other geospatial data.
- You will also reach this page if your CLIO session times out due to inactivity. If CLIO appears to have timed out without warning, be sure that popups from Columbia are enabled on your computer. A popup window should give you the opportunity to "Continue Session" before timing out.
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