Search Results: Titles List
- Click each title for full information, including online links to full text, full holdings information, and links to other features including Google Books. A turned-up book cover indicates that full-text or a limited preview is available from Google Books:
- Re-sort the list by title, author or date, using the "Sort By:" drop-down menu above the right sidebar.
- Limit Your Search from the right sidebar. You may combine limits, e.g. books and electronic resources, and add or subtract additional limits as you choose. If you select multiple location limits you will retrieve records in any of the locations selected. To search for items physically located in the Business Library or that happen to be online, use the Business and Online location limits. Do not use the "All Electronic Resources" limit when using location limits, as that will only find items in the Business Library that are also electronic resources (mostly CD-ROMs). Most of our internet accessible resources have an "Online" location. The number of hits in your results list will change as limits are applied. Full limits, including limits by other library locations, languages, and formats, are available in the Advanced Search.
- Navigate through the results list using the "Previous" and "Next" buttons at the top or bottom of the page.
- Use the checkboxes to print, email, export citations to bibliographic software, or add them to "My List". You may select individual titles, or the entire search result (the latter could take a while).
- Your search is shown at the top of the Titles list. The number of results found is shown, followed by the type of search that was carried out, the search terms that were entered, and any filters or limits that were applied. Search results are capped at 10,000 records. If this happens, use the "Refine Search" to narrow your search with additional terms.
- Click on "Refine Search" to return to the search screen with the same search terms so that you can modify them.
- If you click on "Save Search" you will be prompted to log in to your library account (if not already logged in) so that you can save the search for future use. This could be very useful if it is a complicated search that you anticipate repeating in the future, or whose results appear very fruitful.
- You may specify the number of hits displayed on each page before you carry out the search in the Basic or the Advanced Search screen.
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