Exporting Records to Zotero and Endnote

Selecting Records & Exporting to Zotero

Use the Folder icon to select records from the results page.

Selecting multiple records to export to Zotero in CLIO7

Use the book icon to export a single record. 


To download Zotero and for more information, see Citation Management.

Selecting Records for Export to Endnote

  1. Select the records you wish to export:

    2.  Click the green "Export" button.

Exporting Records to Endnote

  • Select the Export Format "EndNote Citation".
  • Click on "Click to Export".
  • The records appear in plain text format. Use your browser's "File - Save Page As" function to save the records to your desktop as a .txt file.
  • Download the filter for CLIO by clicking here: Columbia U.
  • Save this filter on your computer to the Filter Folder in the EndNote program. Do not rename it.
  • If EndNote is open, you will have to close and open it again before the filter will show up in the filter list.
  • Open up the EndNote library where you wish to save the references, then go to File - Import.
  • Click on "Choose File" and find the file you just saved on the desktop.
  • Next to "Import Option," select the filter Columbia U (click on "Other Filters..." to access the entire list, if necessary).
  • Click on "Import".
  • You may need to edit the references after import.
  • Columbia does not have a site license for Endnote, but if you have an older version it should continue to work.

If you would like further assistance, Ask a Librarian for help.