Teaching Resources on Africa
General Education & Outreach
- Africa (PBS Online, Public Broadcasting Corporation, Alexandria, Virginia)Promotional site for "Africa" the 8 part television series co-produced by WNET/Thirteen's Nature and The National Geographic Society, which begins airing in September 2001. The site includes excerpted texts, photos, "teacher tools", and other resources. See also, the National Geographic website below.
- Africa Access Review (Brenda Randolph, Silver Spring, Maryland)"Africa Access was founded in 1989 to help schools, public libraries, and parents improve the quality of their children's collections on Africa. Our online database, Africa Access Review, contains over 1000 annotations and reviews of books for children. These critiques and descriptions are written by university professors, librarians, and teachers most of whom have lived in Africa and have graduate degrees in African Studies. In recent years, we have expanded beyond our original mission to include Research and Reading projects."--See especially: Children's Africana Book Awards (in collaboration with the Outreach Council of the African Studies Association of the United States)
- Africa Book Club (Olney, Maryland, USA)Founded in 2010, an international online newsletter, with book reviews and a forum about Africa's literary past, present, and future, Africans in the diaspora, and related issues; plus an online bookstore.
- Africa's 100 Best Books (Zimbabwe International Book Fair Association, Harare; via Columbia University)
- General announcement and contact information. All nominations have been received, a short list drawn up by a jury, and the 100 titles were announced on February 18, 2002. See a copy of the list of 100.
- H-Africa Discussion Forum, 2000-2002 (H-Net, Humanities and Social Sciences Online, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)
- African Studies Centre, Leiden University: Web Dossier on "Africa's 100 Best Books of the 20th Century" (2002) (Leiden, The Netherlands)
- Africa Focus: Sights and Sounds of a Continent (University of Wisconsin-Madison Libraries and African Studies Program, Madison, Wisconsin)The website offers downloadable images, sound files, and other materials on Africa drawn from contributions by UWM faculty over the last 20-30 years.
- The Africa I Know (2023) (USA)
- African Educational Research Network (AERN) (via North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina)
- The site includes research papers, an online journal, and selected web links relating to education in Africa and African studies in the USA. 'Founded in 1992, the mission of the AERN is to promote research capacity building through collaborative actions.' The network includes Cumberland College (Kentucky), Ohio University, NC State University, University of Manchester (UK), University of Ottawa, National University of Lesotho, Bayero University (Nigeria), Oklahoma University, Kenyatta University, and Clark Atlanta University.
- African symposium: a journal of educational research on Africa. (Online) -- Raleigh, North Carolina: African Educational Research Network (AERN); via North Carolina State University, 2001--The current issue is on offer, the "Archives" provides free access to the full text in PDF format of back issues since 2004.
- African Studies in the Post-Colonial University. (2012) Edited by Thandabantu Nhlapo & Harry Garuba.
-- Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town, 2012. 53 pages in PDF format. - AFROPHILE: Recommended Titles on Africa for Children and Young People, 1996. (Compiled by Brenda Randolph, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania)
- Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA) = L'association pour le développement de l'éducation en Afrique (Paris, France)
- "The ADEA was established at the initiative of the World Bank in 1988. Its objective was to foster collaboration and coordination between development agencies in support of education in Africa. ADEA now focuses on developing partnerships between Ministers of Education and funding agencies..."
- Association for the Study of African-American Life and History (ASALH) (Silver Spring, Maryland)The web site of the organization originally founded by Carter G. Woodson in 1915. General information about the ASALH's activities and leading members; and about Woodson's contributions.
- Association of African Universities (AAU) = Association des Universités Africaines (Accra, Ghana)
- "The Association of African Universities [founded in 1967] is an international non-governmental organisation set up by the universities in Africa to promote cooperation among themselves and between them and the international Academic community."
- AAU newsletter. (Online) -- Accra, Ghana: AAU, 1997-- PDF format.
- Boston University, African Studies Center Outreach Program, (Boston, Massachusetts)Information about the resources available from the Outreach Center, includes: online "travelling kits" on Ghana and Kenya, the online catalog of videos, materials for purchase, and other services.
- "Education for Life." (May 2017) Web dossier (African Studies Centre, Library and Documentation Centre, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands)An annotated bibliography of print and online resources, based on library acquisitions since 2013.
- FHI 360 -- Education Policy Data Center (Washington, DC)"...founded in 2004...EPDC serves as a resource for education data, profiles, and data reports on education status at the country and subnational level, research papers on issues and challenges in education in developing and transitional countries, as well as medium-term education projections."
- EduTech: "Surveying ICT use in education in Africa." (Sept. 2015) by Michael Trucano. A World Bank Blog on ICT use in Education (Washington, DC)
--See also: All "Africa" articles, 2009 to present
- e-Learning Africa (Berlin, Germany)An annual conference and exhibition on ICT and education in Africa. "...includes core dialogues, discovery demos, knowledge exchange sessions, knowledge factories, panel discussions, panel talks, plenary sessions, pre-conference events and poster presentations on specific topics and informal networking opportunities."
--See especially: 14th International Conference & Exhibtion on ICT for Education, Training, and Skills Development, October 23-25, 2019, Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire
--Past Conferences
--eLearning Africa News (Current) - Embassy Worldwide
This is a useful portal site for general information about and links to official sites for all embassies of all governments...in most countries. Search by country
- Exploring Africa (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)Lesson plans and basic information for teaching the history, politics, arts, and cultures of Africa in the US. The site includes current news, brief "country overviews", "special topics" on contemporary Africa, regional approaches, and ten country case studies: Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, Senegal, South Africa, Tanzania, and Zimbabwe. "...produced and developed...in an effort to address the severe shortage of high quality African resources available to students and educators, particularly at the K-12 level."***Note: Most of the content appears to be for high school students and teachers, but specific grade levels are not indicated in any of the lesson plans and could be used for undergraduate college courses.
- "Global Studies in search of Africa" (2003) by Pearl T. Robinson. The Politics of Knowledge: Global Studies and the Disciplines ; UCIAS Edited Volume 3, Article 6. University of California eScholarship Respository Journals & Peer-Reviewed Series. -- Los Angeles and Berkeley: University of California Press and California Digital Library, 2003. 42 pages in PDF format.
- H-AfrTeach Web Site & Discussion List (H-Net; Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)"The mission of the H-AfrTeach web site and discussion list is to provide a stimulating forum for considering the possibilities and problems involved in teaching about Africa. It is intended for a wide audience, encompassing educators, students and others with an interest in teaching about Africa at all educational levels." The web site itself also includes links to lesson plans and other resources.
- Ohio University: Institute for the African Child (2017-2018) (Athens, Ohio)"The children of Africa are the interdisciplinary focus of the Institute for the African Child at Ohio University. We seek to promote research, teaching, and service that consider children in the process of the African continent's socio-economic development."
--See especially: Childhood in Africa: An Interdisciplinary Journal. (Online)--Archive
- Primary Source: "What We Talk About When We Talk About Africa" Podcast Series (2022) (Watertown, Massachusetts)
Teams of African Studies scholars "talk about" teaching Africa in the K-12 curriculum/undergraduate colleges through various themes. The site includes 6 modules, each with a podcast and a theme--historical or contemporary, suggested readings for teachers, and links to other open access resources for teaching about Africa.--See also: LibGuide on Africa (2020)
- ProTeacher! -- Africa Lesson Plans for Elementary School Teachers (2011) (USA)A collection of links to ideas for teaching Africa in grades K-6 in the United States; part of a larger website for American elementary school teachers.
- Takam Tikou: L'actualité de l'édition jeunesse en Afrique et dans le monde arabe La joie par les livres. (Centre National du Livre pour Enfants, Paris, France)
- Teaching Tolerance Southern Poverty Law Center (Montgomery, Alabama)"Teaching Tolerance provides free resources to educators—teachers, administrators, counselors and other practitioners—who work with children from kindergarten through high school. Educators use our materials to supplement the curriculum, to inform their practices, and to create civil and inclusive school communities where children are respected, valued and welcome participants."
--See especially: Publications -and- Student Texts on Africa - United Nations "International Decade for People of African Descent, 2015-2024" (New York, USA; Geneva, Switzerland)
- Programme of activities
- UN Library Geneva, Research Guides: People of African Descent
- Universities, Employability, and Inclusive Development: Repositioning Higher Education in Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, and South Africa (2016) Sponsored by The British Council. (London, UK) 108 pages in PDF format
"The research project ran from March 2013 to February 2016, and involved five countries – Ghana, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, and for comparative purposes, the UK...The research study focuses primarily on the teaching function of universities, rather than research and community engagement – while acknowledging that the latter two also play an essential part of the university’s role in enhancing a country’s development." - University of Cape Town: Centre for Innovation in Learning and Teaching (Cape Town, South Africa)This site offers examples of projects, conference proceedings, and includes reports on technology and education in Africa; plus related web links.
- University of Leeds, Centre for African Studies: LUCAS Schools Project (Leeds, UK)"The LUCAS Schools Project (2004-2020) was an outreach initiative that recruited, trained, and supported over 120 African postgraduate students at the University of Leeds to deliver more than 350 African Voices activity programmes to over 9,000 pupils in primary and secondary schools in Leeds about the African continent and its peoples."
--See especially: Publications and papers - University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill: African Diaspora Fellows Program -- Curriculum Resource Guides (2017)The program produced several teaching guides on The Haitian Revolution, AfroLatinx Identity and Music, Equal Protection Under the Law, 'From Abolition to #Black Lives Matter', African Slave Trade, and Transatlantic Slave Trade.
- University of Wisconsin, African Studies Program--Outreach: Online ResourcesAn extensive collection of links to African studies teaching resources.
- The World Bank: EdStats: Country Profiles (Washington, DC)This site provides statistical indicators on educational development by country (since 1990), with reports on education (primary, secondary, and tertiary) and links to other topics in international development.
- World Teach: South Africa ; Namibia ; Morocco ; Kenya and Uganda (Cambridge, Massachusetts)"...offers highly motivated individuals the opportunity to teach, learn, and grow professionally in developing communities around the globe."
- Coverdell World Wise Schools -- Africa Lesson Plans (Paul D. Coverdell World Wise Schools -- Educators; sponsored by United States Peace Corps, Washington, DC)
Art, Film, & Music
- The African Guide: African People and Culture (Nicole Smith & Albert Angel, USA)This searchable illustrated guide for those interested in traveling to Africa and background information on the cultures of Africa. The site provides a listing of current and upcoming festivals and other major cultural events across Africa, with links to web sites.
- Guide to African Women Cinema Studies (Dr. Beti Ellerson, Center for the Study and Research of African Women in Cinema, Washington, DC)A teaching and learning guide, with a list of films and directors; plus, links to selected other film web sites.
- Afropop.org : Hip Deep Series (World Music Productions, New York)"...a media project dedicated to the idea that music is a key to understanding everything...Hip Deep has been created and maintained with major support from the National Endowment for the Humanities...you can access the entire archive of Hip Deep radio programs, and read interviews and narratives...discographies, images, videos, and links to music and other resources."
- AFROPOP Worldwide Home Page (World Music Productions, New York; in partnership with ARTSEDGE, Kennedy Center, Washington, DC)"Afropop Worldwide is PRI Public Radio International's weekly series showcasing the contemporary musical cultures of Africa and the African Diaspora in the Caribbean, the Americas and Europe. Hosted by international broadcast personality Georges Collinet from Cameroon.." This site offers information about the radio program; Afropop-sponsored events and trips; and, general information about the music of Africa and the African diaspora.
- Art & Archæology of Africa (Columbia University Libraries)
- Art & Life in Africa Project (University of Iowa Museum of Art, Iowa City, Iowa) --via The Internet Archive
"The Art & Life in Africa website...is a freely accessible educational resource that is the product of the collaborative efforts of more than fifty scholars, technicians, collectors and institutions around the world....The first phase of developing the Art & Life in Africa website focused on updating the original CD-ROM content [first produced in 1997] so that it is available to as wide an audience as possible. Moving forward, the Art & Life in Africa team plans to invite scholarly contributions that will address underrepresented areas such as modern and contemporary artistic practices and geographic locations like South Africa. These new essays and/or chapters will be added to the site on an ongoing basis." - ArtsEdge on Africa (John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Washington, DC)This site offers links to a few selected recent programs on African arts (music, theatre, history, literature, and art); plus some teaching lesson ideas mostly for elementary schools.
- Films and Videos on Africa (Columbia University Libraries)
- Kiboko Projects & Galleries (Mark Scheflen et al., Visual Arts Program, St. Mark's Church in-the-Bowery, New York)Since 1995, Mark Scheflen has been director of a program designed to nurture child artists in New York, Kenya, and South Africa. This web site features information about the various programs and several galleries of the children's art (for sale).
- Modern African art : a basic reading list. Compiled by Janet L. Stanley (2019). (Washington, DC: National Museum of African Art, Smithsonian Institution Libraries)An online, full-length, annotated bibliography. Last update: February 2019.
- Music and Dance of Africa on the Internet (Columbia University Libraries)
Business & Economics
- Africa renewal. (Online) -- New York: UN Dept. of Public Information, 2004-Formerly known as: Africa Recovery (1996-2004).
Current electronic issue in full; available in English or French. There is a link to an archive of some previous issues, but each back issue is only composed of a few excerpts and the table of contents. - AllAfrica.Com--Business & Technology Center (AllAfrica Global Media, Washington, DC)
- Current and recent news from all over the African continent on business news. The principal sources of news reporting are African newspapers and news services, and UN agencies. Warning: the searchable archive for articles older than 30 days is only available through subscription.
- NEPAD-related NewsA compilation of current news summaries related to the "New Economic Partnership for Africa's Development". See also: NEPAD official website below.
- All Africa Foundation: "Sustainable Africa" Internet Channel (AllAfrica Global Media, Washington, DC)
- A portal site for news stories and public domain documents relating to "sustainable development" issues in Africa: environment, trade, debt, population, water, climate change, forests, agriculture, etc.
- Directory of organizations (International, regional, national, and community-based)
- Business and Economic Information on Africa (via Columbia University Libraries)An extensive list of annotated links to African economic information, including news, economic research organizations, central banks, regional development organizations, chambers of commerce, stock exchanges, conferences, etc.
- The Internet in Africa (Columbia University)A set of links to major web sites on Internet Service Providers (ISPs), conferences, Internet development projects, and connectivity issues in Africa.
- NEPAD: New Partnership for Africa's Development, New African Initiative & Related Documents, 2002-- (via The African Union, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia)
- US Government Agencies on African Economic Development (via Columbia University Libraries)
Environment, Geography, Maps, & Science
- Action Bioscience: "Origins of Modern Humans: Multiregional or Out of Africa?" (May 2001) by Donald Johanson. (American Institute of Biological Sciences, Washington, DC)
- African Indigenous Science and Knowledge Systems Page (Dr. Gloria Emeagwali, Department of History, Central Connecticut State University)An outline of links to other sites (including selected books available from Amazon.Com) and brief historical summaries on African history, science, and technology.
- Climate, Environment, & The Weather in Africa (Columbia University Libraries)
- The Environmental History of Africa -- Library Guide and Course Syllabus--2016 (Gabeyehu Adugna, Africana Librarian ; Beth Restrick, Head of African Studies Library; Prof. James C. McCann, Department of History and African Studies Center, Boston University, Boston, Massacusetts)This website includes the course syllabus, thematic maps and photographs, other images, and related research information.
- Maps of Africa (Columbia University Libraries)A list of online maps and other Internet resources for African geography.
- National Geographic's "Africa: The Series" (Washington, DC)Promotional site about the 8-part television series beginning on public television in September 2001, co-produced by WNET/Thirteen's Nature. The site includes text excerpts and photographs; plus, related links to Africa-related resources and a "Kids" section.
- National Geographic. (Online): Views of Africa, September 2005
-- Washington, DC: The National Geographic Society, 2005.A special issue focusing on African reports, in-depth reports, photographs, and Africa Map and Archive of selected articles from previous issues of this popular magazine. - Science and Technology in Africa (Columbia University Libraries)
- Science in Africa. (Online) -- Grahamstown, South Africa : Science in Africa, 2001-Current issue and back issues since January 2001. A popular monthly news magazine about scientific research and development on the African continent, plus information about funding and job opportunities and links to organizations.
- USAID Famine Early Warning System (See below under "United States Government Agencies.")
- University of Texas at Austin: Africa Maps Perry Castañeda Map Collection (University of Texas Libraries, Austin, Texas)
History, Philosophy, & Religion
- "Africa's Great Civilizations"-- PBS Television Series (New York)The site features flim clips, text summaries, related information about this television documentary series. "In his new six-hour series, Africa's Great Civilizations, Henry Louis Gates, Jr. takes a new look at the history of Africa, from the birth of humankind to the dawn of the 20th century. This is a breathtaking and personal journey through two hundred thousand years of history..."
--See also: Lesson Plan Ideas for Teachers (PBS LearningMedia)
- Africa Past & Present -- Podcast about African History, Culture, and Politics African Online Digital Library (Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)Begun in January 2008, this site offers access to an archive of interviews with African studies scholars across the disciplines based at or visiting the university. Conversations are recorded in downloadable formats---MP3, for iTUNES, Podcast, etc.
- African Activist Archive Project (African Studies Center, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan)The website includes galleries of documents, photographs, posters, audio and video files, and an extensive archives list for the U.S. "[The project] seeks to preserve for history the record of activities of U.S. organizations and individuals that supported African struggles for freedom and had a significant collective impact on U.S. policy during the period 1950-1994.quot;
- African Biography on the Internet (Columbia University Libraries)
- African Philosophy Resources (Prof. Bruce B. Janz. University of Central Florida, Orlando)An extensive list of links to online texts, websites, and related resources on a variety of topics.
- African Traditional Religion (Chidi Denis Isizoh, Italy)Frequently updated: This web site offers an extensive list of links to information about African traditional religions on the Internet. The author also includes an impressive list of sources on the subject, "Bibliography on African Traditional Religion".
- Afrocentricity and the Black Athena Debate--Archive, 2009 (Professor Wim van Binsbergen, Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands; via ooCities.org)A collection of articles in English and French on the issues surrounding Martin Bernal's multi-volume work-in-progress, "Black Athena".
- American Museum of Natural History: American Museum Congo Expedition 1909-1915 (New York)A multi-media web presentation (photographs, audio narrative, sound recordings, maps, related texts) on the expedition of Herbert Lang and James Chapin begun in 1909 in what was northeastern Belgian Congo. "Five and a half years later, they had collected tons of precious zoological and anthropological specimens representing one of the most comprehensive collections of the day."
- Ancient Egypt on the Internet (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- Anthropology Back Door to the Web: L'Afrique centrale (Dr. Bernard Clist, Grasse, France)
- BBC World Service Presents: "The Story of Africa--African History from the Dawn of Time..." and Debates on Africa in History (British Broadcasting Corporation, London, UK)Historical summaries by "Africa's top historians" on radio, with audio files from the original broadcasts of the BBC Africa Service aired during February-July 2001; plus related debates aired in early 2002.
- Bibliothèque Nationale de France: Gallica Voyages en Afrique (Paris)
- << Le dossier Voyages en Afrique propose une large sélection de documents de toute nature, majoritairement francophones, ponctuellement en langues étrangères...Le but est de rendre aisément accessibles des sources souvent éparses en un corpus pluridisciplinaire, centré sur l'histoire de la découverte de l'Afrique depuis les premières connaissances laissées par les Arabes ou les Européens naviguant le long des côtes jusqu'aux explorations de l'intérieur du continent, le partage de l'Afrique entre les puissances européennes et les différentes étapes de la colonisation jusqu'en 1914. >>
- Bibliographie: catalogues, bibliographies, études, et corpus complémentaire
- Black Lives Matter at School (USA)"Black Lives Matter at School is a national coalition organizing for racial justice in education. We encourage all educators, students, parents, unions, and community organizations to join our annual week of action during the first week of February each year."
--See especially: Curriculum: lesson plans and classroom resources -and- Year of Purpose, 2020-2021
- Black Lives Matter Syllabus (Prof. Frank Leon Roberts, New Yorik University, New York)Created by Frank Leon Roberts in 2015 and revised in 2016, the syllabus and web site offers highlights from a college-level seminar and includes recommended readings and videos. The site also includes information about Prof. Roberts BLMS 'teach tour" in the United States & Canada, 2017-2019. The seminar topics focus on: (1) the rise of the U.S. prison industrial complex and its relationship to the increasing militarization of inner city communities; (2) the role of the media industry in influencing national conversations about race and racism; (3) the state of racial justice activism in the context of a neoliberal Obama Presidency; and (4) the increasingly populist nature of decentralized protest movements in the contemporary United States."
- BlackPast.org---Global African History Archive"BlackPast.org, an online reference center makes available a wealth of materials on African American history in one central location on the Internet."
--See also: African American History -and- "Using Blackpast.org in the Classroom"
- Botswana History Pages (Prof. Neil Parsons et al., Department of History, University of Botswana, Gaborone)"The Botswana History Pages are designed for seekers after knowledge about Botswana. There are 2 pages of general history, followed by 13 informative pages with a historical bias - on archaeology, culture, economy, education, geography, language, literature, politics, religion, science, society, tourism, and media."
- Columbia University and Slavery (Columbia University, New York)"...about Columbia’s historic connections with the institution of slavery...much of the information...derives from student research papers for the seminar, Columbia University and Slavery (HIST 3518), offered each year by a faculty member of the History department."
--See also: Prof. Eric Foner's Preliminary Report
--Plus: Related projects at other major US universities - Columbia University, Digital Library Collections: Hemmed In: Responses to Africa's Economic Decline. (Online). Edited by Thomas M. Callaghy and John Ravenhill -- New York: Columbia University Press, 1997 (1993).Note: This online book is available ONLY to Columbia faculty, students, and staff (User ID and password required).
- Discover Africa in the World (Africa Access and the Center for African Studies, Howard University, Washington, DC)An illustrated directory of open access websites on historic sites, objects, and monuments to the African presence outside of the African continent, especially in Europe, North and South America, and the Caribbean.
- Experience Rich Anthropology (Centre for Social Anthropology and Computing, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK)A rich selection of electronic versions of classical ethnographic works, field notes, and outlines for exploring and teaching about Cameroon, Nigeria, Zambia, Southern Africa, and elsewhere.
- The French African Connection: Background Information on a three-part "Special Series" video from Al-Jazeera.Com (Doha, Qatar)Historical overview and analysis of post-colonial French-African relations, with documentary film clips and interviews.
- G.I. Jones' Photographic Archive of Southeastern Nigerian Art & Culture (Prof. John C. McCall, in cooperation with Ursula Jones, Dept. of Anthropology, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, Illinois)"This is an archive of digitized photographs depicting the arts and cultures of southeastern Nigeria. The collection includes examples from Ibibio, Igbo, Ijo and Ogoni speaking peoples. All of the photographs were taken in the 1930s by the late G.I. Jones, Department of Social Anthropology, University of Cambridge. The majority of the images are from the Igbo speaking regions where Jones conducted most of his research."
- The Gold Road (Africa Access and the Center for African Studies, Howard University, Washington, DC)"This interactive website provides information about the role that gold and other trade items played in the development of the medieval West African empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai."
- The Historical Society of Pennsylvania: African Immigrant Experience (Philadelphia)This section of the HSP site is based on the 2001 project of the former Balch Institute for Ethnic Studies on African immigrant communities of Philadelphia (includes seven detailed personal history accounts of immigrants; plus a directory of organizations and businesses).
- History & Cultures of Africa on the Internet (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- History of Philosophy, Without Any Gaps: Africana Philosophy -and- Diasporic African Philosophy (Peter Adamson, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, Germany; Chike Jeffers, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada; King's College, London, UK)A selection of interviews and lectures in podcast format and bibliographical references on the key authors and their works in the history of African and African diaspora philosophy.
- History Textbook : West African Senior School Certificate Examination. (2018). By Nwando Achebe, Samuel Adu-Gyamfi, Joe Alie, Hassoum Ceesay, Toby Green, Vincent Hiribarren, and Ben Kye-Ampadu. 195 pages in PDF format ; via Wordpress.com.
- Howard University: "The Gold Road" Center for African Studies. (Washington, DC)"This interactive website provides information about the role that gold and other trade items played in the development of the medieval West African empires of Ghana, Mali and Songhai. Gold was the region’s most valuable resource. It moved along trans-Saharan routes to North Africa, Arabia, the Mediterranean and beyond."
- Internet African History Sourcebook (Paul Halsall, Fordham University, Bronx, New York)An extensive compilation of links to available information and documents on the Internet --frequently updated and organized into broad historical periods and individual countries.
- Islam in Contemporary Africa (February 2006) A bibliography compiled by Paul Schrijver. Library, Documentation, and Information Department. (Afrikastudiecentrum = African Studies Centre, University of Leiden, The Netherlands)See also: Islam in Sub-Saharan Africa -- Web Dossier (2005). Produced for a Conference on "Islam, Disengagement of the State, and Globalization in Sub-Saharan Africa" held at UNESCO in Paris on 12-13 May 2005. Plus: Islam in Nigeria--Web Dossier and Bibliography (2005)
- Kingdoms of the Medieval Sudan: Mali, Songhay, Kanem-Bornu, & Hausaland (1998) (Jonathan Rotondo-McCord et al., Xavier University, Louisiana)A basic, introductory mini-course on the history of the Sudanic states of West Africa, with six essays, gallery of images, self-tests, bibliographies, and links.
- Liberated Africans (Harvard University, Hutchins Center for African and African American Research, Cambridge, Massachusetts)A digital resource built around selected "proceedings for about 1,000 trials, registers containing biographical sketches for people removed from slave ships (including physical descriptions), labor contracts, anti-slavery legislation, correspondence on resettlement policies, images of captured slave ships, and even photographs of some liberated Africans."
- Luba-Kasai: a working bibliography. By Valentine Kanyinda Muyumba, Indiana State University. Electronic journal of Africana bibliography. (Online); vol. 9 (2004) -- Iowa City, Iowa: The University of Iowa Libraries, 2004.
- Mali
- Mali: Ancient Crossroads of Africa (2001) (Virginia State Department of Education, Richmond, Virginia)A K-12 education website on the history and culture of Mali, with lesson plans, maps, a small gallery of photos, and links.
- Google Arts & Culture: The Digital Archive of "The Timbuktu Manuscripts" (USA)Explore 69 digitized books on this website. "Over 40,000 ancient manuscripts (pages) from private collections and libraries in Timbuktu have been digitized, curated, and made publicly available."
--See also: "Mali Magic": Exploring Mali’s culture: manuscripts, music, monuments, and modern art (2022)
- Mali: Ancient Crossroads of Africa (2001) (Virginia State Department of Education, Richmond, Virginia)
- The New York Times: "A Continent Remade: Reflections on 1960, the Year of Africa," February 20, 2020. (New York)"We selected images — some from The New York Times’s archive and others from various collections around the world — to tell the story of the heady days around the Year of Africa. Each of the 17 countries that gained independence that year is represented here in photographs, but there are also images from countries, like Ghana, with especially rich photographic traditions. We then invited a group of creative people of African descent to give us their personal reactions to these images."
- The Centre of Pan African Thought (London, UK)"...an independent education and policy think tank that works to protect the human rights of African and African Caribbean people."
--See especially: Videos -and- Papers (requires membership) - The Study of Religion in Africa and the Diaspora (via Columbia University Libraries)
- The Say Brother Collection -- WGBH Boston (Boston, Massachusetts)The website of the archive of a local public television program (1968-1982), featuring a searchable program directory and an extensive digital gallery of sample film excerpts. "Say Brother is WGBH's longest running public affairs television program by, for and about African Americans, and is now known as Basic Black. Since its inception in 1968, Say Brother has featured the voices of both locally and nationally known African American artists, athletes, performers, politicians, professionals, and writers..."
- The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture of The New York Public Library: Africana Age : African & African Diasporan Transformations in the 20th Century. (2011) (Dr. Sylvianne Diouf et al., New York)
- Slave Revolt in Jamaica, 1760-1761: A Cartographic Narrative (Prof. Vincent Brown, History Design Studio, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA)"This animated thematic map narrates the spatial history of the greatest slave insurrection in the eighteenth century British Empire. To teachers and researchers, the presentation offers a carefully curated archive of key documentary evidence."
--See especially: Map and Sources - Slave Societies Digital Archive (Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee)"...dedicated to identifying, cataloging, and digitally preserving endangered archival materials documenting the history of Africans and their descendants in the Atlantic World [especially: Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Spanish Florida, Ouidah (Benin), and Luanda (Angola) ] . The SSDA’s largest and oldest collections were generated by the Catholic Church, which mandated the baptism of African slaves in the fifteenth century and later extended this requirement to the Iberian New World. The baptismal records preserved in Slave Societies are the oldest and most uniform serial data available for the history of Africans in the Atlantic World and offer the most extensive information regarding their ethnic origins...other religious documentation such as confirmations, petitions to wed, wills, and even annulments."
- Slave Voyages: The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade Database (Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia)The site provides free access to selected data on thousands of slave ship voyages; plus scholarly essays and maps. "[The database] is the culmination of several decades of independent and collaborative research by scholars drawing upon data in libraries and archives around the Atlantic world. The Voyages website itself is the product of two years of development by a multi-disciplinary team of historians, librarians, curriculum specialists, cartographers, computer programmers, and web designers, in consultation with scholars of the slave trade..."
- "Slavery's descendants: the ancestral ties to slaveholding of today's political elite." (2023). By Tom Bergin ...[et al.]. A Reuters Series. (Reuters News Agency, Thomson Reuters, Toronto, Canada)
"At a time of renewed debate over slavery and its legacy, many of today’s U.S. leaders have staked key positions on policies related to race. Reuters sought to determine how many of those political elites descend from slaveholders, and what it means for them to learn – in personal, specific and sometimes graphic ways – the facts behind their own family’s part in slavery."
- Smithsonian Institution, National Museum of Natural History: African Voices (Washington, DC)
- This web site offers glimpses (images and explanatory texts) of the permanent "African" exhibitions at the museum, plus:
- The South African History Archive (SAHA) (Braamfontein, Johannesburg, South Africa)SAHA was formed in 1988 by the United Democratic Front and the Congress of South African Trade Unions to collect & preserve documents from the struggle against apartheid during the 1980s. The SAHA website offers online finding aids to their collections, descriptions of archival projects, several online publications, highlights from public exhibitions and related events, teacher and other educational resources, and virtual exhibitions.
- SAHO--South African History Online : Classroom (Cape Town, South Africa)The "Classroom" offers topics and historical summaries for lessons in social studies and history, grades 4-12. "SAHO’s is the largest popular history project of its kind on the [African] continent. The SA History’s flagship project is its website, which is a vast encyclopaedia on South African and African history."
- Southern Poverty Law Center: Teaching Hard History: American Slavery. (2018) (Montgomery, Alabama) 52 pages in PDF format
- Two Plantations: Enslaved Families in Virginia and Jamaica (Prof. Richard S. Dunn, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA)"This website displays research into the lives of 431 enslaved people in seven multi-generational families at Mesopotamia plantation in Jamaica and Mount Airy plantation in Virginia...Since the 1970s, Richard S. Dunn has been tracking the 1,103 slaves who lived at Mesopotamia between 1762 and 1833, and the 973 slaves who lived at Mount Airy between 1808 and 1865. And he has reconstructed the lineages of slave families from both plantations through four or five generations."
- UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization -- History and World Heritage (Paris, France)
- UNESCO General History of Africa Collection---All 8 volumes onlineAn open access version of the landmark series is now available in English, Arabic, Swahili, Portuguese, Fulfulde, and Hausa.
- UNESCO Women in Africa History
A clickable map, links with colorfully illustrated texts, biographies, comics, spoken word recordings, bibliographies, and historical summaries. - UNESCO on the Slave Trade and Slavery
- Slave voyages: The Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans (2002): An educational resource for teachers. By Hilary McDonald Beckles. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2002. 272 pages in PDF format
- The Slave Route -- Publications and Documentation
- Sites liés à la traite négrière et à l'esclavage en Sénégambie: pour un tourisme de mémoire (2005) Par Mbaye Guèye. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2005. 85 pages en format PDF.
- Tradition orale liée à la traite négrière et à l'esclavage en Afrique centrale (2003) sous la direction de Jérôme Tangu Kwenzi-Mikala. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2003. 109 pages en format PDF
- Tradition orale et archives de la traite négrière (2001) sous la direction de Djibril Tamsir Niane. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2001. 143 pages en format PDF
- 2004: Slavery Abolition Year -- International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition
-- See also: Struggles against slavery: International Year to Commemorate the Struggle against Slavery and its Abolition (2004) Edited by Katérina Stenou. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2004. 24 pages in PDF format. - La Route de l'Esclave = Slave Route Project, 1994-2005Sur ce site, on peut trouver les informations à propos de ce projet, des publications, des activités du Comité scientifique, quelques cartes sur les routes internationales de la traite négrière, et aussi, une carte, un exemplaire d'un bulletin (PDF), et des liens choisis.
- UNESCO Slave Trade Archives Project (Memory of the World)This site offers general information about the project and links to related web sites. "The Slave Trade Archives Project, initiated by UNESCO, is concerned with the access to and preservation of original archive materials relating to the slave trade."
- Slave voyages: The Transatlantic Trade in Enslaved Africans (2002): An educational resource for teachers. By Hilary McDonald Beckles. -- Paris: UNESCO, 2002. 272 pages in PDF format
- World Heritage
- WH General Home Page
- "Launch of African World Heritage Fund" (May 2006)
- Africa Revisited = Nouveaux regards sur l'AfriqueAn overview of African history, archaeology, and cultures, with brief summaries, illustrations, and photos.
- Intangible Cultural Heritage--Search by Country (All)
- World Heritage in Danger, Africa 1998-2018 (French/English):- Aapravasi Ghat (Mauritius)--The World Heritage Centre on Africa
- Air & Ténéré (Niger)
- Ambohimanga, Royal Hill (Madagascar)
- Cercles mégalithiques de Sénégambie = Stone circles of Senegambia (The Gambia)
- Chongoni Rock Art Area (Malawi)
- Cyrene, Archaeological site (Libya)
- Dja Faunal Reserve, southeastern Cameroon
- Djenné, Old Towns (Mali)
- Djoudj--Parc national des oiseaux (Senegal)
- Drakensberg Park, uKhahlamba (South Africa)
- Egypt: Abu Mena, Thebes, Cairo, Memphis, Nubia, & St. Catherine Monastery
- Garamba National Park (Dem. Rep. of Congo)
- Gebel Barkal and sites of the Napatan Region (The Sudan)
- Ghadamès, Old Town (Libya)
- Harar Jugol, the Fortified Historic Town (Ethiopia)
- Ichkeul National Park (Tunisia)
- James Island and Related Sites (The Gambia)
- Kahuzi-Biega National Park (Dem. Rep. of Congo)
- Kasubi, Tombs of Buganda Kings (Uganda)
- Kilwa Kisiwani Ruins and Songo Mnara (Tanzania)
- Kondoa Rock Art Sites (Tanzania)
- Koutammakou, land of the Batammariba (Togo)
- Lake Turkana National Parks (Kenya)
- Lamu Old Town (Kenya)
- Leptis Magna, Archaeological site (Libya)
- Manovo-Gounda St. Floris National Park (Central African Republic)
- Mapungubwe Cultural Landscape (South Africa)
- Matobo Hills (Zimbabwe)
- Sacred Mijikenda Kaya Forests (Kenya)
- Le Morne Cultural Landscape (Mauritius)
- Mount Nimba Strict Nature Preserve (Guinea & Côte d'Ivoire)
- Okapi Wildlife Reserve (Dem. Rep. of Congo)
- Osun-Osogbo Sacred Grove (Nigeria)
- Royal Palaces of Abomey (Bénin)
- Sabratha, Archaeological site (Libya)
- Saint-Louis Island (Sénégal)
- Selous Game Reserve (Tanzania)
- Simien National Park (Ethiopia)
- Sukur Cultural Landscape (Nigeria)
- Tadrart Acacus, Rock-art sites (Libya)
- Timbuktu (Mali)
- Tomb of Askia (Mali)
- Tsodilo (Botswana)
- Virunga National Park (Dem. Rep. of Congo)
- Zanzibar, Stone Town (Tanzania)--The World Heritage List: 2018 (General)-- World Heritage paper series (Online), 2002 to present
-- World Heritage newsletter = La Lettre du Patrimoine Mondial. (Online) -- Paris: UNESCO World Heritage, 1993-2005.All back issues and information on subscriptions via e-mail.
- UNESCO General History of Africa Collection---All 8 volumes online
- The Woman King Syllabus A #slaveryarchive production. (Drs. Ana Lucia Araujo, Vanessa Holden, Jessica Marie Johnson and Alex Gil, USA)"The Woman King premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on September 9, 2022. Since then, it has received a warm welcome by audiences around the world...Our syllabus is meant to satisfy that curiosity—for those who are interested in the history beyond the fiction." The site includes recommended books and other readings on the kingdom of Dahomey, the Agodjie, Vodun, African women in the Atlantic slave trade. and related topics.
- Wonders of the African World, with Henry Louis Gates, Jr. (PBS Online)
- The web site that accompanies the television series -- a travel show, with brief history lessons and Gates' own views -- with order information for the video set. The site includes very brief supplementary texts, video files, teaching suggestions, and small photos relating to the historic sites, monuments, and cultures featured in the series: the Nile River valley in Egypt and The Sudan, Ethiopia, the Swahili coast, Bénin (Dahomey), Ghana (Asante), Mali, Zimbabwe, and South Africa.
- World History Archives (Haines Brown; via Hartford Web Publishing, Connecticut)
- A compilation of opinion articles and debates from African studies e-mail discussion lists, general & alternative online news sources, plus lectures by African studies scholars."
- History of Africa as a whole
- Egypt and the Maghrib
- Horn of Africa
- Western Africa
- Central Africa
- Eastern Africa
- Southern Africa
- World history connected. (Online) -- Honolulu, Hawaii : Hawaii Pacific University ; Champaign, Illinois: The University Illinois Press, 2004--
- Zamani Project (University of Cape Town, South Africa)
- This site offers mostly photos, maps, and videos of 3-D models of archaeological sites. "...aims to capture spatial information of tangible cultural heritage sites across Africa and other parts of the world. Based on field campaigns and complex in-house processing, the team creates data sets that serve as permanent digital records for future generations."
- Map of All Sites
- Cape Coast Castle, Ghana
- Djémila, Algeria
- Djingareyber Mosque, Timbuktu, Mali
- Great Mosque of Djenné, Mali
- Fasil Ghebbi, Gondar, Ethiopia
- Fort of São Sebastião, Mozambique
- Gede Ruins, Kenya
- Île de Gorée, Sénégal
- Great Zimbabwe, Masvingo, Zimbabwe
- Rock Churches of Lalibela, Ethiopia
- Shela Mosque, Lamu, Kenya
- Meroë Pyramids, Sudan
- Musawwarat es-Sufra, Sudan
- Yemrehanna Kristos Church, Ethiopia
Languages & Literature
- African Language Resources (Columbia University Libraries)
- African Literature on the Internet (Columbia University Libraries)
- African Studies Association of the United States: Childrens' Africana Book Awards (via AfricaAccess.Com, Silver Spring, Maryland)Since 1991, the Outreach Council of the ASA annually honors outstanding authors and illustrators of children's books about Africa published in the United States.
- Children's Literature Research Unit, University of South Africa (Pretoria, South Africa)Select bibliographies of South African and other African children's literature.
- Culture & Literature of Africa (Cora Agatucci, Department of Humanities, Central Oregon Community College, Bend, Oregon)This web site is designed to support a college course on the 'study of significant Sub Saharan African works of traditional oral arts or 'orature,' and modern literature and film, representing a diversity of peoples and cultures from key historical periods.' The site includes a useful table of African Timelines, with hypertext links to other resources on the Internet.
- National African Language Resource Center (Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana)
- "The National African Language Resource Center is a federally funded, nonprofit national foreign language center dedicated to the advancement of African language teaching and learning in the United States."
- RTI International -and- United States Agency for International Development: Survey of Children's Reading Materials in African Languages in Eleven Countries--Final Report.
(May 2016)
-- Washington, DC: USAID, 2016. 71 pages in PDF format.
--See also: Annexes to this report, with country survey data....and related publications - The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies (University of Kent, U.K.)"The Virtual Institute of Mambila Studies seeks to collate and connect the different research and researchers with an interest in the Mambila people of the Nigeria - Cameroon borderland and their neighbours; their languages and the area in which they live. We take a broad view of Mambila, including other groups speaking related languages such as Kwanja, Vute, Wawa, Nizaa, Njerep (3 speakers at last count!), Twendi (35 speakers), Tep, and others. Our research is primarily of an anthropological and linguistic nature; abstracts or full texts of papers are available at the site."
News & Issues Analysis
***For full list of sources see: News (General, Business, Sports) & Information Services on Africa
- A24 Media: Africa's voice (A24 Media Productions, Nairobi, Kenya; Accra, Ghana; Johannesburg, South Africa)"A24 Media--the first Pan-African online agency for Video, Pictures & Text." This site includes: selected current and recent news reports; photographs; related video clips; previews of television programs from Africa; documentary film excerpts; news, film, and TV industry links; etc.
- ADNA: Advocacy Network for Africa Forum (Washington, DC)
- This site offers general and contact information for US-based, organizations concerned with Africa, as well as an archive of previous "action alerts" and reports; plus, related links. "ADNA Forum is a progressive non-partisan network of 245 US-based organizations - and growing."
- ADNA Forum Member Organizations
- The Africa-America Institute--AAI (New York and Washington, DC)
- "[Founded in 1953] The AAI's mission is to expand education and professional training opportunities for Africans, foster greater understanding of Africa in America, and promote mutually beneficial U.S.-Africa relations."
- AAI News
- State of Africa Education Conferences
- AAI 2023 "State of Education on Africa" Virtual Conference: "Africa, the Global Climate Crisis, and Reparations," January 20, 2023. Videorecording.
- "Teaching Africa in the World" November 5, 2021. Videorecording
- All AAI videos
- "Teaching Africa in K-12 Education," November 13, 2020. Videorecording.
- "Generations of Quiet Progress: The Development Impact of U.S. Long-Term University Training in Africa, 1963-2003 (2004)
- University of Massachusetts, Amherst: Africa-America Institute Records, 1953-2014
- AfricaFocus (Washington, DC)The website features AfricaFocus bulletin...offering analysis and "progressive advocacy" on African issues; plus news feeds from BBC and AllAfrica.Com.
- Africa No Filter (New York)"Through research, grant-making, community building and advocacy, we support storytellers to help shift the stereotypical narratives about Africa one story at a time."
--See especially: Global Media Index for Africa 2024 -and- Being African: How Africans Experience The Diaspora. (2024)
--All ANF research publications - "Africa Today" KPFA Radio Program (Prof. Walter Turner, WKPFA FM, KPFA.org, Berkeley, California)Podcasts of past programs and related information. "A weekly news program providing information and analysis about Africa and the African Diaspora."
- African Elections Database (Albert C. Nunley, via Tripod.Com, USA)A compilation of electoral results by country; frequently updated, with results from the 1990s for some countries. Sources include various other election monitor websites; see links.
- "African Union" -- Documents (via Columbia University Libraries)
- The Africanist Podcast (Prof. Bamba Ndiaye, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia)[Since May 2020] "This podcast investigates political, socio-economic, and cultural issues in contemporary Africa and the African Diasporas. It engages Africanist scholars, artists, activists, athletes, opinion leaders, business people, and ordinary citizens in a critical conversation about the challenges facing Africans and people of African descent."
- Association of Concerned Africa Scholars (ACAS) (via University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan)
- "Founded in 1977, the Association of Concerned Africa Scholars (ACAS) is a group of scholars and students of Africa dedicated to: formulating alternative analyses of Africa and U.S. government policy, developing communication and action networks between the peoples and scholars of Africa and the United States, and mobilizing support in the United States on critical, current issues related to Africa."
- ACAS Home Page
- Bulletin. [Association of Concerned Africa Scholars] (Online)Current issue and archive of back issues since 1995 in PDF format
- Resources on Uganda, the LRA, and Central Africa (April 2012)
- "Back to the Blackboard: Looking Beyond Universal Primary Education in Africa," edited by Peroshni Govender & Steven Gruzd (2004). NEPAD policy focus series.-- Johannesburg, South Africa: South African Institute of International Affairs, 2004. 104 pages in PDF format ; via Africa Portal Library
- British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) (London)
- BBC Online Network News for AfricaCurrent news & feature stories.
- BBC Focus on Africa. (Online) -- London: BBC World Service, 1990-The online version of the quarterly magazine, which consists of selections from the current issue and a searchable archive of selected articles from back issues.
- BBC World Service--Africa TodayThis site offers schedules of programs in various languages, plus some audio files (requiring RealPlayer).
- BBC Online Network News for Africa
- China-Africa Relations (Columbia University Libraries, New York, USA)
- Council on Foreign Relations: Sub-Saharan Africa -and- Middle East & North Africa (Washington, DC)This site offers current US foreign policy news and general information on the Council's Africa program, including: brief biographical profiles of research fellows at the Council & contact information; selected online texts on projects and policy meetings; and links to related sites.
--See especially: Africa in Transition (blog posts) -and- the general CFR home page. - Darfur Crisis -- Resources (via Columbia University Libraries)See also: University of California's "Understanding Sudan: A Teaching and Learning Resource" (Berkeley, California): an extensive list of links and fact sheets for teacher and classroom use.
- Electronic Newspapers of Africa (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- Enough Project: The project to end genocide and crimes against humanity (Center for American Progress, Washington, DC)This website features current news, editorials, policy arguments, and campaign information by an advocacy group in Washington, DC...which focuses on US foreign policy towards "conflict areas" in Africa, especially Darfur and Southern Sudan, Eastern Congo (Democratic Republic of Congo), Northern Uganda, Chad, Somalia, and Zimbabwe.--See especially: Enough Project publications
- Foreign Policy in Focus -- A Think Tank Without Walls (Institute for Policy Studies, Washington, DC ; Interhemispheric Resource Center, Silver City & Albuquerque, New Mexico)
- FPIF publishes current policy analysis reports and "progressive" editorials on a variety of US foreign policy issues....many deal with US policy towards Africa.
- Africa Regional Focus, 1997 to present
- Africa Policy Outlook, January 22, 2010
- France. Ministère des Affaires étrangères: Africa (Paris)
- G7/G8 Summits on the Internet
- G7 Information Centre (Munk Centre for International Studies at Trinity College, University of Toronto, Canada)
- Human Rights and Governance in Africa (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries)
- International Relations Center (Silver City & Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA)
- Formerly the Interhemispheric Resource Center:
"Founded in 1979, the IRC is a nonprofit organization supported by foundations, churches, and individual donations. ... to provide information and analysis that increase social and economic justice throughout the world. ... the IRC promotes grassroots involvement to ensure the United States becomes a responsible global leader and partner."
- Formerly the Interhemispheric Resource Center:
- The Africa Society of The National Summit on Africa, 1998-2016
- A series of regional summits on US policies towards Africa, culminating in a national convention in Washington, DC, first held in 2000. "The National Summit on Africa [was] a two-year initiative aimed at improving levels of public understanding about Africa and U.S.-Africa relations; creating an expanded and broad-based constituency for Africa; enabling a diverse coalition of organizations and individuals to develop a shared Agenda for Action for U.S. relations with the countries of Africa."
- openDemocracy on "Africa": news analysis (London, UK)News analysis blog on African affairs from scholars and writers in the US, Europe, and Africa.
- Social Science Research Council on Africa (New York)
- African Arguments SSRC Blog
- Search for Africa at the SSRC
- SSRC Programs on Africa, 2009-
- Crisis in the Horn of AfricaSSRC news analysis forum on Somalia, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Djibouti and Sudan.
- Ufahamu Africa (Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois)"...a podcast about life and politics on the continent. Our weekly episodes begin with an overview of what we’re reading and learning from the continent, followed by an in-depth interview with a thinker, maker, or innovator."
- United Kingdom. Foreign and Commonwealth Office on Africa (London)
- University of California: Understanding the Human Catastrophe in Darfur (2009) Understanding Sudan, A Teaching and Learning Resource. (Berkeley, California)
- VoxAfrica (London, UK)
- The multi-media web site of a satellite television channel which offers African and African diaspora news, interviews, in-depth panel discussions, and reports...in English or French.
- Washington Post.Com: African Lives -- Occasional Articles from 1997 (The Washington Post, Washington, DC)A series of electronic newspaper articles, with photos, which "chronicle the joys and struggles in the everyday lives of African peoples." There are 8 stories on: Sudan, Kenya, Ethiopia, Sénégal, Côte d'Ivoire, and Ghana.
UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organization
- UNESCO General Home Page in English or in French
- Bureau régional de l'UNESCO pour l'Afrique de l'Ouest (UNESCO, Dakar, Sénégal)A ce site, on peut lire les actualités sur le rôle de l"UNESCO dans la planification et le développement de l'éducation en Afrique de l'Ouest: le Cap Vert, la Gambie, la Guinée-Bissau, le Liberia, le Sénégal et la Sierra Leone.
- International Bureau of Education (Geneva, Switzerland)
- Country Dossiers (Reports and statistics)
- World Data on Education, 7th ed. (2010-2011)Published in 2012: a searchable (by country) database of UNESCO annual reports on national education systems, 1998-2010---plus updates; including recent conference papers.
--See also: 6th ed. (2006-2007)
- International Institute for Educational Planning: IIEP Publications (Paris)
- World Education Forum: "Education For All" (EFA)
- EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010: Regional Overview for Sub-Saharan Africa -and- Fact Sheet--See also: Full report
- Education for All, Regional Forum for Sub-Saharan Africa (2004)
- Meeting of the EFA Partners Follow-Up, 5 May 2001, Antananarivo, Madagascar
- Forum Mondial de l'Education, 26-28 avril 2000, Dakar, Sénégal---The Dakar Framework for Action
A conference whose objective was to set international goals of "Education for All".
- EFA Global Monitoring Report 2010: Regional Overview for Sub-Saharan Africa -and- Fact Sheet
- UNESCO World Heritage Sites (See above under "History...")
United States Government Agencies
- US Agency for International Development (USAID) (Washington, DC)
- USAID on Africa (Selected by Columbia University Libraries.)
- FEWS--Famine Early Warning System"At the Famine Early Warning System (FEWS), we watch weather and farming land in Africa for signs of drought, which could lead to famine and starvation. When we see signs that populations will face severe food shortages, we issue a warning to make sure that steps will be taken to keep people from going hungry. These warnings are taken into account in planning U.S. assistance to Africa."
- USAID on Africa (Selected by Columbia University Libraries.)
- US Department of Commerce (Washington, DC)
- AGOA--African Growth and Opportunity Act Website, 2008-- (via International Trade Administration)This site includes links to documents and current news relating to U.S. trade and investment issues on Sub-Saharan Africa.
--See also: US Congress below - The African Growth and Opportunity Act: an empirical analysis of the possibilites post-2015 (July 2013) By Simon Mevel ...[et al.]
Prepared by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) and the African Growth Initiative (AGI) at Brookings Institution. -- Washington, DC : The Brookings Institution; Addis Ababa: UNECA, 2013. --via United Nations Economic Commission for Africa; 68 pages in PDF format - AGOA.info: The African Growth and Opportunity Act Produced by Tralac--Trade Law Centre for Southern Africa (Stellenbosch, South Africa)
- "...a United States Trade Act, enacted on 18 May 2000 as Public Law 106 of the 200th Congress. It significantly enhances market access to the US for qualifying Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries."
- All AGOA.info Publications, 2003 to present
- AGOA Forum: annual US-Africa AGOA meeting--See especially: About AGOA Forum -and- AGOA Forum downloads
- AGOA--African Growth and Opportunity Act Website, 2008-- (via International Trade Administration)
- US Congress (Washington, DC)
- Congress.gov : Search for all current & recent legislation
- US Senate Committee on Foreign Relations--Subcommittee on Africa...
-- Chairman: U.S. Senator Cory A. Booker; Ranking Minority Party Member: U.S. Senator Tim Scott
-- U.S. Senate Committee on Foreign Relations -- Activities and Reports (All)
- African Growth and Opportunity Act: Public Law No. 106-200 "Trade and Development Act of 2000" (via Government Publishing Office)
--See also: Congress.gov (Final bill, amendments, & related information, via U.S. Congress) -and- Final bill and other versions (via THOMAS: Legislative Information on the Internet, The Library of Congress, Washington, DC)
- Congress.gov : Search for all current & recent legislation
- US Department of State. (Washington, DC)
- Trump Administration, Dept. of State, 2025--
- Bureau of African Affairs, 2025--
- Bureau of African Affairs, Biden Administration, 2021-2025--Archive
- Trump Administration--Dept. of State, 2017-2021, Archive
- Obama Administration, Secretary of State John Kerry--Archive
- Bureau of African Affairs, 2009-2017--Archive
- Investment Climate Statements (2016) : Search by Country
--See also: 2009 to present - Secretary of State John Kerry's Visit to Kenya and Nigeria...August 22-28, 2016 (Archive)
- Secretary of State John Kerry's 2014 Visit to Addis Ababa, Juba, Kinshasa, & Luanda, April 29-May 5, 2014 (Archive)
- Archive for Bureau of African Affairs: includes Bush and Clinton Administrations. (via Columbia University Libraries)
- Trump Administration, Dept. of State, 2025--
- US Executive Branch -- The White House, 2025- (Washington, DC)
- These web pages offer current news, press releases, and links to documents relating to African policy initiatives of the US President, in addition to the activities of the US State Department.
- Trump Administration, US Executive Branch, Foreign Policy, 2017-2021--Archive
- Obama Administration, US Executive Branch, Foreign Policy, 2009-2017--Archive
--See especially: Sub-Saharan Africa; Middle East & North Africa. - President Barack Obama's Visit to Eastern Africa, July 24-28, 2015 -- News & Commentary
- AfricaFocus bulletin (Washington, DC): "Obama Visit Roundup," July 29, 2015
Selected links to news analysis and commentaries - AllAfrica.Com (Washington, DC): "U.S., Canada, and Africa"
- BBC News (London): Obama in Ethiopia, July 27-28, 2015 Africa Live ; see also: "Obama praises Ethiopia...(July 27, 2015)
- Business Day (Johannesburg): "Obama's African legacy is built on symbolism." (July 27, 2015)
By Dr. Adekeyo Adebajo.
- Daily Nation (Nairobi): Obama in Kenya (July 2015)
- ECADF--Ethiopian News & Opinions (USA): Press Conference by US President Obama and Ethiopian Prime Minister Hailemariam Dessalegn, July 27, 2015
- Pambazuka news (London): "Is Obama keen on relations with barons of Kenya or with the people?" (July 24, 2015)
By Prof. Horace G. Campbell. - The Star (Nairobi): US President Barack Obama "full speech" to the people of Kenya, Kasarani, Nairobi, July 26, 2015 Audio and transcript
--See also: Video --via YouTube.com - The White House, Office of the Press Secretary, Obama Administration--Archive (Washington, DC):
"Remarks by President Obama to the People of Africa," Mandela Hall, African Union Headquarters, Addis Ababa, Ethioipa, July 28, 2015
--See also: Video --via Awramba Times (USA)
- AfricaFocus bulletin (Washington, DC): "Obama Visit Roundup," July 29, 2015
- The Administration's Response to Ebola, October 2014--Archive
- US-Africa Leaders Summit, August 4-6, 2014, Washington, DC--Archive
- Fact Sheet: Powering Africa: increasing access to power in Sub-Saharan Africa, August 5, 2014 (Archive)
--See also: USAID on "Power Africa" - President Obama's 2013 Trip to Africa (Senegal, South Africa, & Tanzania)-- See also, All Africa.Com News on "Obama Visits Africa 2013" (Washington, DC)
- U.S. Strategy Toward Sub-Saharan Africa (June 2012)-Archive
12 pages in PDF format - Young African Leaders Initiative, 2010-2016 (Archive)
- President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)--Countries
- United States Trade and Development Agency on Sub-Saharan Africa (Washington, DC)Lists of projects in the region and related links. "The TDA, an independent U.S. Government agency under the Executive Branch, promotes economic development in developing countries by funding feasibility studies, consultancies, training programs and other project planning services. In Africa, TDA assists U.S. firms by identifying major development projects which offer large export potential and by funding U.S. private sector involvement in project planning."
- For more about US government & non-governmental organizations on Africa, see: "US Organizations on Africa" (Compiled by Columbia University Libraries.)