Master's Projects and Theses
Columbia University Libraries maintains copies of projects, theses, and dissertations deposited with the library by students at the Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism.

Dissertations are available electronically via Academic Commons and ProQuest dissertations & theses global.
Master's projects and theses are available in print at the Journalism Library and Lehman Libray. Electronic access is negotiated on a case-by-case basis under the guidance of the copyright owner/author. Projects and theses are compiled and bound semi-annually. Bound volumes are arranged alphabetically by graduating class and publication type. The Journalism Library retains the most recent four years, Projects deposited more that four years ago may be found on the lower level of Lehman Library. Bound volumes do not circulate—they must be read at the library. Reproduction all or part of a project or thesis via scanning or photographing is prohibited, unless permission has been given by the copyright holder/author.
Projects with media or data components are available at the Journalism Library Reserves Collection and circulate for 2 days. Projects from earlier years may be requested at the Lehman Library Reserves Desk. To request a radio or television project, you must know the author's name and year of graduation.
If you are an alum and would like a copy of your printed master's project, please email the Journalism Library with your name, year you graduated, format and title of your project or theses. Copies are only available by the request of the author. Requests for projects with audio, video, or digital components are governed by the policies and fees established by Preservation & Digital Conversion Division of Columbia University Libraries.
Download the Finding Aid <2 Years

All Master's Projects are housed in Columbia University Libraries. To locate a specific project:
1. Open Excel finding aid and find the project in the list. Instructions provided in the spreadsheet.
2. Write down the Binding Information associated with the project
3. Call or visit the Journalism Library or Lehman Library to access the project.
Please note that access policies for Columbia University Libraries vary.
See: Accessing the Libraries
Search by author, title, or advisor

Use the integrated search feature of the library website to search for projects by author, title or advisor.
Browse Index by Year and Program
Do you want to a list of all the projects that were submited in a single year? Browse the complete list of the library's holdings by year and degree program using the dropdown menus below.